Page 12 - CAMSTAR April 2021
P. 12
What are your hobbies or interests outside of
I love learning (anything related to psychology I’m
interested in!) and often make boring tasks much more
stimulating by listening to podcasts or audiobooks while
I do them. I get a lot of my daily joy from my dogs! I just
adore animals, especially dogs. I enjoy the sunshine,
warm weather, and seeing the tropical sunsets in Miami.
I like going to the nude beach and spending time in
Miami’s breathtakingly blue water.
Name three things that you love…
1. My two Pomeranians: Prince Albert and Thotiana
2. Coffee
3. Rollercoasters!
How can fans stay in touch with you?
Twitter: reya__sunshine
Instagram: reya__sunshine
Official site:
YouTube: reyasunshinetv