Page 42 - AVN August 2016
P. 42
SITE SPECIFIC | | By Brady Jansen
Porn with a Mission(ary) wants to make a believer out of you
having casual sex with other missionaries he is paired
“My first sexual experiences happened when I was
with (called his missionary “companions” in Mormon
a Mormon missionary. When I was in the missionary
training center, I was suddenly surrounded by other
“Yes, the iconic image of Mormon boys are the
adolescent boys and I wanted to fuck a lot of them.
missionaries that spend 24/7 in a boy/boy pairing. Yes,
We shared a communal shower nicknamed the ‘Tree
missionaries on bicycles and going door to door, two
of Life,’ so every morning we’d stand in a circle naked
by two is the iconic image of Mormon missionary boys,
and soap up. By some miracle, I managed to never get
but ‘gay Mormon’ wasn’t at the top of our list because,
a boner even though that shower was the hottest thing
unlike Catholic schoolgirl porn, ‘gay Mormon boy porn’
that had ever happened to me,” he recalls. “When I
wasn’t a thing yet,” says LeGrand, who worked as the
left the training center and went out into the world to
senior coordinator on several National Institutes of
preach the gospel, one of my companions happened to
Health-funded studies prior to delving into the adult
be bisexual and a total slut. Since a missionary spends
industry as full-time employment.
all day, every day with his companion, it wasn’t long
“I was a researcher that focused on the sexual health
before he and I started having sex.”
of men during my time in the university setting. My
team conducted huge national and international surveys
The MormonBoyz Movement
Wolf notes that taking the site from solo jerkoff videos
to full-on fucking seemed like the obvious progression.
Once upon a time, LeGrand Wolf and
his husband were both good Mormon
boys, born and raised in Utah—an
upbringing complicated by their
sexual orientation.
“We were true believers and we even went on
missions. But we both sensed that we were gay from
a young age, and that’s a big problem, so neither
of us told anyone,” says Wolf, owner and creative
director of “My husband and I
have always loved porn, and after we got married we
took the little money we had and started paying guys
off Craigslist to dress up in Mormon outfits and jack
off on camera. It immediately got enough traction to
start paying its own costs, but life got in the way.”
So the site went dormant for two years—but was
re-launched in 2012 when the whole country was
considering a Mormon for president. “Very quickly,
it was pulling in enough money for us to invest in
professional equipment and pay for full-on fucking in
our videos. That’s when the site really started to take
off, and we could now afford more elaborate sets,
of men who have sex with men. I learned a lot while
looking at the de-identified responses of hundreds
of thousands of men—not gay in most cases—in
their responses about the sex they were having (or
fantasizing about) with other men. Among the things
I learned while culling through the data, men are no
more or less likely to engage in homosexual behavior
than women. People who feel uncomfortable when they
see two men kiss or hold hands are three times as likely
to have experimented with guys, and twice as likely
to still secretly hook up using apps like Grindr and
GayRomeo,” he says.
“We think we’re fairly
unique. We’re the only
place for gay Mormon
— LeGrand Wolf
While it worked to a degree, the growth didn’t spike the
way he had hoped.
“When we moved toward a focus on the daddy/son
content, the growth went up like crazy,” he says. “So
many guys wrote in to share with us their stories of
sex they had on their missions with their companions.
We were hearing from Bishops and Stake Presidents
(Mormon leaders) about the sex they were having with
Mormon boys after their missions. And so many women
were writing in to tell us that this was their favorite
porn site, which was really a surprise to us…we’ve had
hundreds of emails from women referencing the story
pages of our Elders. Women love the fact that we are
story-based porn.”
Wolf says he is most proud of the number of guys
they have helped bottom for the very first time,
noting that about 50 percent of the men they shoot
with have never been with another guy: “Of the guys
who had been with another guy, many of them had
never bottomed in anal sex before. Not only were we
costumes, equipment and a shoot team.”
Wolf notes that the essence of the site is innocent:
young Mormons getting their first education in
gay sex, with each other and with the men of the
priesthood. “We try really hard to get the emotional
reality of being an obedient missionary into our
films—the sets, costumes, camera work and
scenarios are all about these submissive boys giving
themselves up to these older men who have total
power over them.”
When creating MormonBoyz, they decided it
would need to incorporate several themes: the
gay daddy/son dynamic, the gay incest taboo, gay
bareback (“it’s how the priesthood is conferred:
ordination by insemination”), men in suits (lots of
clothed male/naked male porn) and gay Mormon.
Wolf explains that each Mormon boy goes through a
series of secret erotic rituals as part of his initiation
into The Order, and along the way he ends up
“I learned a lot of things that informed the creation of
MormonBoyz…research was fascinating, and I enjoyed
my work on how technology has changed the behavior
of men who have sex with men, but I was restless. I
didn’t want to just study what other guys were doing,
so I decided to make porn on the side.”
And considering the path Wolf endured to get there,
that’s a minor miracle. “Coming to terms with being
sexual was incredibly difficult for me as a young man.
There were simply no positive images of gay Mormons
when I was a kid. I didn’t even have the language to say
to myself: ‘I’m attracted to men because I’m gay.’ I was
really confused about what I wanted, and it wasn’t until
I was 20 that I admitted to myself that I was gay and
acted on my attraction to men.”
Wolf says that he hopes MormonBoyz communicates
to Mormon teens that “it’s really fun and really hot” to
be gay.
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