Page 43 - AVN August 2016
P. 43

their first, but many of them love the experience of
discovering their prostate.” He adds that most of the
men have never shot elsewhere.
“It’s also a sign of just how unique we are that
various bloggers will write to us and ask, ‘Can you
please tell me the ‘porn name’ for Bishop Angus and
Patriarch Smith?’ As if their MormonBoyz porn name
isn’t their real porn name. Or rather, as if their porn
name on MormonBoyz is their real name. While guys
who go on to do work with other studios after our
studio take on less-Mormon names, frequently they just
drop their title (Elder, Brother, President, Bishop) with a
first name. This is exactly what happens when Mormon
missionaries return home.”
“‘Mormon’ is one of
Utah’s top-five search
terms on xHamster. We’re
having fun, and so are our
— LeGrand Wolf
Wolf says they are always looking for handsome,
young, clean-cut, innocent-looking guys who can
take orders and a pounding, and they generally like
to work with first timers. “Mormon boys are called
as missionaries when they are 18. While you can
technically still be called on a mission until you are 25,
most boys start their missions at 18 or 19.”
Wolf notes that the MormonBoyz world centers on
a set of secret sexual practices peculiar to Mormonism:
the rites of passage to gain the “Patriarchal Priesthood”
or “Priesthood of the Father” involve a series of steps
in the Mormon temple. He says that the “average”
Mormon might not know about all of these rituals, but
that most are real—and reserved for the elite.
“Regular Mormons going through the temple actually
do see and use its ‘glory holes,’ they just call them by a
different name. They are called ‘The Veil,’ and Mormon’s
blindly touch each other through openings during
one step in the secret Mormon temple ceremonies,”
Wolf says. “On our site, there is the step involving
the priesthood stretcher, and believe it or not, this is
literally the only step that doesn’t happen in a Mormon
temple. That said, it is common for priesthood leaders
to ask for details and even a demonstration in private
when boys come to them and confess their sexual
sins, especially homosexual sins—or as Mormons
like to say, transgressions involving ‘same-sex
Mormon Misconceptions
Wolf notes that while they did not set out to piss off
Mormons, it happened anyway. “We get hate mail,
our sites have suffered DOS attacks…people are
constantly flagging our social media posts. The most
disturbing for us was our exclusion from the Utah
Pride parade this year. The whole fiasco was shady
and offensive. It’s one thing for Mormons to object to
our work, it’s another to be attacked by sex-negative
elements of the gay community itself.”
Because the site is so unique, Wolf says it has
received a lot of attention without really trying—
some good, some bad. “We even had death threats
during the first year. But all told, our brand has
attracted a lot of positive attention, and that has
really helped us stand out. The Los Angeles Times
put our Magic Mormon underwear as the featured
story on the front page of their Style section. VICE
did a feature article on our website, and we’ve been
in several dozen other publications quite a few
times since we launched. But there is a reason for
the interest. Our commitment to our niche, and the
nature of our niche, has helped us stand out. We’ve
tried very hard to have a clear vision of what fantasy
we’re serving.”
Wolf says they try not to take the hate mail and
controversy too seriously. “If anything, this inspires
us to work harder to make great erotic fantasies for
everyone—mostly non-Mormons, but Mormons, too!
‘Mormon’ is one of Utah’s top-five search terms on
xHamster. We’re having fun, and so are our fans.”
The company also operates, a
place to buy authentic replicas of the secret Mormon
underwear that plays a big role on the site; and, which focuses on the secret sex
rituals performed in Mormon temples and the taboo
practices of polygamy. Meanwhile, MormonBoyz was
recently revamped with a fresh design. Wolf adds
that a pin-up calendar and the first book from the
team—a “sexy Missionary Journal”—are on the way,
along with their first-ever crossover projects with
other studios.
“I am very proud of how we run our studio,” says
Wolf, who directs all the videos and is joined on
staff by his husband, their friend Brooke Hunter (a
lesbian ex-Mormon) and a shooter/editor they’ve had
since the re-launch. “We think we’re fairly unique.
We’re the only place for gay Mormon porn. Mormon
missionary-themed content at the other studios will
pop up here and there, but without fail it’s way off.
The costuming is wrong, the grooming is off, and the
other studios don’t understand what really makes
Mormon missionaries different or unique. And it’s
not just the lingo—the other studios don’t have the
real Magic Mormon underwear! When other studios
try and execute the Mormon missionary genre, we
think it’s great—even when it is cringe-worthy.”
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