Page 9 - CAMStar September 2022
P. 9

“Living with a disability I’ve had to learn many ways to cope and overcome things that might be easy/natural for others ”
How did you you build your community on MFC?
After watching other models for some time I I I noticed they all had clubs So shortly after I I I I started I I I I decided to make my own the the LLC (Little Lambs Club) I I I loved the the feeling of community and making genuine connections with people We’ve had a a a a a a a a a Discord server for about five years and it it now has over 250 members What’s the most most popular popular item item on your tip menu?
The most most popular popular item item is probably “Booty Wiggles ”
I’m known for being well endowed in in the rear haha How did you you develop your camming camming routine?
When I I I first started camming camming I I I was still working 45 hours a a a a a a a a week week at my office job I I I would work work 11 a a a a a a a a a a a m m m m m m m m to 8 p p m m m m m m m m and be streaming on on MFC by 9:30 p p m m m m m m m until 12 a a a a a a a a a a a a a m m m m m m m six days a a a a a a a a a a a a a week week This went on on on for almost a a a a a a a a a a a a a full year so so so I’ve always worked “the late shift” with camming I I made so so so many friends in in in those time zones so so so it it just kind of stuck What made you you decide to go full-time on MFC when you you did after almost a a a a a a a year?
I I I was was was consistently doing well on on MFC and had a a a a a a a a a a a a a a good group of regular chatters/tippers It felt like I I I I was was was wasting away at at my my other other job between my my my disability and and other other life struggles So I I I decided it it it was time time to try it it it out full time time and and make my my own schedule that worked better for me me 

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