Page 10 - CAMStar September 2022
P. 10

How do you you use MFC Share? Which clips have been your most popular and why?
I utilize MFC Share for full-length videos and and clubs primarily My most most popular sellers are are definitely fuck machine videos I do most most of of them from a a a a a a a point of of view view where the the viewer can imagine getting even more personal with me How do do you you like doing cosplay cosplay shows? What cosplay cosplay character (s) has been your most popular?
I I enjoy them them a a a a a a a a a a a a lot! It’s fun to to take on on the the the image of of one one of of my my favorite characters and bring them them to to life with with my my my own twist My most popular ones are normally Original Characters (OCs) that I came up with with myself But the the most popular character of someone else’s I’ve cosplayed is probably Power from the the manga manga Chainsaw Man It’s one of my my favorite manga manga so I’m glad other people enjoyed my my take on on Power as well What is something you’re grateful grateful for for and and why?
I’m I’m very grateful grateful for for my family and and and friend’s patience with me me I’m I’m disabled and and getting out to see people or or or having a a a a a a a a a a a busy day can be really really hard for me me in in in multiple ways I’m narcoleptic so I I get VERY tired really really quickly and and have frequent dizzy spells and and muscle weakness I’m I’m also also autistic so so so so being social is is a a a a a a a a a a huge struggle
of mine I’m I’m also also very grateful for the the regulars in in in in my MFC room They know these things things about me me and and are understanding that some things things I just can’t do as as as easily as other models Name someone who inspires you and why?
My good friend Komorebi Komorebi (@KomorebiMFC) They’re a a a a a a a super hard worker and are constantly pushing themselves to to new limits! They’re a a a a a a a a a a a non-binary streamer which can be be be really hard to to to be be be on on MFC They’re always inspiring me me me to to to be be be be my true self and not let others tell me me who to be Name two or three of your best strengths What are you truly great great at?
I I I think I’m great great at at at at at overcoming obstacles that are in in in in my way way Living with a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a disability I’ve had to to learn many ways ways to to cope and and overcome things that might be be easy/ natural for others It’s been very difficult and and I’m always learning I’d like to to think I’m also good at at caring for others I I I I hate seeing my friends struggle
so so I’ll try to to help in in in in any way I can 

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