Page 5 - CAMSTAR November 2017
P. 5

What were you doing for work before
you became a cam model?
Before I became a cam model I was a
dog groomer for many years; prior to that
I worked in a vet hospital. I have always
worked with animals from when I first
started volunteering until I was able to
get a job. I loved being a dog groomer
I just didn’t like how animals became my
job. Animals are one of my biggest loves
and passions in life; I even became a
vegan a year and a half ago and I would
rather help and groom dogs in need and
through volunteering my time.
How did you get into camming?
Camming was always recommended
to me from one of my friends a long time
ago. That’s how I became aware of what
it really was. He had always told me I had
a personality that would do well there
and I didn’t understand what he meant
by that because I didn’t think at the time
camming involved personality at all.
When I started doing my own research
I realized very quickly how wrong I was.
What really appealed too was the aspect
of control I could see all cam girls having
in a social/sexual situation. Being behind
the computer, behind safety, and the
ability to shut it off when needed. This
was something I was lacking due to a
traumatic experience I had recently had,
so I decided to try it for that reason
only—not because I needed a job at
the time. It was really for socializing and
being in control of a sexual situation.
Totally not a healthy way to go about
coping with what I was dealing with but I
was truly blessed. … I had no idea what
doors were about to open for me and
how this would turn into my full-time job
and even how much I would love every
minute of it and discover so many things
about myself—like how much I love and
am good at cosplaying.
I’m a big story-time teller and
always tell different stories
from experiences I’ve had.
11.17 | CAMSTAR | 5

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