Page 4 - CAMSTAR November 2017
P. 4

I’ve always had a fascination
with horror movies.
Q &
Where were you born and raised?
I was born and raised in the South but I’m
planning on moving to Las Vegas next year to be
in a more progressive area.
If you could do anything else besides what you
do for a living now, what would it be?
I’ve always had a fascination with horror
movies. They are my favorite. I can really see
4 | CAMSTAR | 11.17
myself directing or producing horror films and it
was something I’ve always wanted to do since I
can remember. I didn’t think it would ever be a
possibility though so I never went to film school, I
graduated with a business degree. However I did
discover I can incorporate my interests with horror
in the content I make for my camming. I always try
to do any sort of graphic special effects art when
I can and even putting jump/scare moments in
some of the footage I create.

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