Page 36 - AVN September 2016
P. 36
ON THE SET | |By Sharan Street
Seeing ‘Red’
Girlsway Productions spins a lesbian fairy tale
your typical ‘oh, that feels so good’ ... There’s a story that follows into the sex scene. You have to keep
your character in that sex scene. ... I think it makes for a better movie when you stay in character the entire
And some of Klein’s scenes sound pretty exciting: “My next sex scene is with Shyla Jennings. This is after
I’ve been kidnapped. I’ve been taken to this underground gang place and the Flower Girl sort of helps bring
out my wild side. ... It’s one of the major turning points for Red.” She also gets to do a group scene with
Jennings and Penny Pax, who plays the Fox. “She’s got us trapped in the Fox’s den, and me and Shyla have
to outfox the Fox and find a way to get out of there.”
Granny and the Wolf—aka Kendra Lust and Abigail Mac—are also on the set today, and the crew
prepares to shoot a dialogue scene with the two of them.
Stills by Alan talks about the cinematic magic behind the Girlsway look. “For the sex we like to use three
cameras. Someone can do a wide shot and someone else can zoom in on one girl and then the other girl and
try to capture things simultaneously. It frees the actresses up to just go through the sex scene. ... That kind
of stands in contrast to how we film the intros, which are a lot more cinematic. ... We do a lot of stuff with
Steadicam, using drones and sliders and dollies and cranes and all kinds of stuff.”
He continues, “The Girlsway project came about in a time when the equipment available to independent
filmmakers really started to allow you to do similar types of shots to what professional filmmakers could
do. ... I’ve worked in porn for about 12 years. When I first came in it was a game of camcorders and we had
the Handicam. ... A lot of new products are coming on the market that allow you to do some interesting
things that you couldn’t do before.”
Stills by Alan came to Gamma in 2012 along with Craven Moorehead to work on the Webyoung site,
which was Gamma’s “first stab at creating their own content. Somewhere in 2013, Bree was promoted to
head of production. ... We started working together and we just kind of clicked.”
In the Hood Cassidy Klein plays a familiar fairy-tale heroine for Girlsway.
under control. Nobody fucks with the Wolf.
straight out of childhood storybooks, but Cassidy Klein
It’s not often that an adult star gets to play a character
got her chance this summer. The slender, long-haired
lass was tapped by Girlsway to star as the title character
”Don’t worry about me, Foxy. I’ve got everything
—Abigail Mac in ‘Little Red’
in Little Red: A Lesbian Fairy Tale, an all-girl adult fantasy
In addition to her role as head of production for Gamma, Mills also writes and co-directs the Girlsway
based on the Little Red Riding Hood tale.
features. “Alan and I split directing duties on these projects and we’re sort of two sides of the coin. I’m
Stills by Alan, the co-director and cinematographer,
really working on the what of the project, in terms of knowing the script inside out and doing all the
gives the plot in a nutshell: “It’s a modern-day
production management. ... And then I work with all of the talent on their characters and on their style.
reimagining of a lesbian fairy tale—it’s Little Red Rides
... And Alan takes the what and then will really focus on the how, so he oversees all of the cinematography
the Hood—but Bree [Mills] wrote it where it has all kinds
and all how are we going to take that sequence that I wrote and worked on with the actors and how are we
of new characters and different characters, and it’s set in
going to bring it to life in terms of the finished product.”
the modern day instead of in a Victorian cottage. ... It’s
Before shooting the big confrontation between Granny and the Wolf, videographers Craven Moorehead
about this orphan girl who grows up feral in the woods
and Billy Visual confer with Alan on how to set up the camera. The space is very tight, so they’ll have to use
and a social worker finds her and puts her in an orphanage
one camera. In the scene, Lust is tied to a chair and Mac stands over her, talking on the phone. Mills listens
run by this evil Miss Hannigan type.”
as Mac reads her lines: “Don’t worry about me, Foxy. I’ve got everything under control. Nobody fucks with
On the fourth day of shooting for Little Red, Cassidy
the Wolf,” Mac says with a menacing chuckle.
Klein takes time between sex scenes to talk about her role.
They run the scene without the camera rolling. Then Alan shows the performers how they are framed in
“It’s a huge honor to get to play a lead in a Girlsway film.
the camera so Mac doesn’t block Lust. “We are good as gumdrops here,” Alan says.
... Everything they do is from the heart; it’s well thought
This bit of business is then repeated and shot from three angles: one with Alan three feet in front of both
out and every minute detail is poured into it. It’s really
performers; then with him in Lust’s spot, just shooting Mac, and finally shooting Lust over Mac’s shoulder.
fun to do a movie like this because it really takes me back
After that scene, the day’s not half over. Still ahead is a big group sex scene, with all cameras blazing—
to my theater days. You put a script in my hand and it just
and everyone having sex while they stay in their respective characters.
makes me really excited.”
“Obviously it’s a project that we’re really passionate about, and it’s very different,” Mills says. “There’s
Klein is just as excited about her co-stars, among them
never been a lesbian fairy tale, so far as I know, done in girl/girl.”
Jelena Jensen (as the head of the orphanage), April O’Neil
She notes that Mac is “one of our O.G.s in The Business of Women, which started it all. I always hashtag
(the social worker) and Kendra Lust (as the grandmother),
#epicshitonly with her ... because that’s all she does.”
with Abigail Mac, Penny Pax, Tanya Tate and Shyla
Speaking of Twitter, Mills mentions the official handle: @GirlswayNetwork. “Also, following my and
Jennings as the characters Red encounters on her journey.
Alan’s personal Twitters is a great way to see what’s happening because we leak stuff all the time.
“Red is in her own little world and pretty much
@TheBreeMills for me and @StillsByAlan for him.”
everyone is out to get her, except the social worker and
Little Red is slated to premiere September 3 on VOD, DVD and online on It will run on the
her granny,” Klein explains.
membership site in installments through October. DVD distribution for Girlsway is handled by Girlfriends
“The sex scenes are so different,” she says. “It’s not
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