Page 46 - AVN December 2016
P. 46

Going to Pot Porn executives, stars and retailers find opportunity in the Green Rush
earliest “churches” to use LSD and marijuana as its sacraments,
The late, somewhat lamented Neo-American Church, one of the
based its philosophy on something called “synchronicity”: the idea
that all things are connected, so it shouldn’t be surprising when, “by
coincidence,” something happens in your life that mirrors something
you’ve been thinking about.
Hence, it must be synchronistic that the day we were wrapping up production
on this issue about the many similarities and crossovers between the adult
entertainment business and the fast-growing marijuana industry, we got this ad in
our inbox:
Titled “The $50 Marijuana Investment Jackpot,” it begins, “Like it or not,
marijuana legalization is sweeping the country. … On Election Day, California,
Nevada and Massachusetts all roundly voted to legalize recreational marijuana use.
And that means that very soon dozens of tiny marijuana firms could skyrocket by
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100%, 300%, 500% or higher. This is your chance to turn a single $50 bill… into
an absolute fortune. But you need to get in ASAP! According to CNBC, ‘Now is
the right time to bet big on marijuana ... [as] the industry is poised to be gigantic.’
And Forbes is touting that ‘hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring in…’ Click
here for full details on how to stake your claim!”
The capper? That ad from Agora Financial was sent out by Breitbart News, the
ultra-conservative alt-right website whose former Chairman is now President-
Elect Donald Trump’s top political advisor!
Fact is, it was almost inevitable that marijuana would become legal, because as
Lenny Bruce pointed out in the early ’60s, “Pot will be legal in ten years. Why?
Because in this audience probably every other one of you knows a law student who
smokes pot, who will become a senator, who will legalize it to protect himself.”
Okay; so Bruce’s prediction was a little off (see “The Roots of Pot Prohibition”
on page 51), but the Breitbart ad is right: the pot business is about to flourish.

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