Page 22 - AVN Intimate Fall 2019
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French company Gangbangster brings its fantasy toys to the U.S. market
Fantasy Menagerie Gangbangster will show off its playful toy lines at the upcoming eroFame show.
As pleasure products become more popular in mainstream
oversized —meant to represent the appendages of various animals, real
culture, acceptance and understanding of sexual fetishes also
and imagined.
continues to grow. Fetishes are by the very definition somewhat
Gangbangster’s AnimHole collection features dongs designed to
of a niche. But the more specialized the niche, the more loyal
represent a bull penis, an elephant penis and even a horse penis. The
the target audience. And that loyalty can lead to nice profits for the
Monster Toys range, however, is even more fantastical, with dongs
manufacturers who cater to those consumers.
imagined for such creatures as gargoyles, griffins, the kraken, alien
One such niche is pet play: consenting adults who dress up or treat one
beings and more.
another as various types of animals. In recent years, more manufacturers
No matter how outrageous the design, though, pleasure is at the
have begun making animal-themed items—including such companies as
center of every product, Renou said. For the AnimHole collection, he
fantasy dildo makers Bad Dragon and Hankey’s Toys and comprehensive
said, it’s not just reproductions or representations of animal penises
pleasure product manufacturer XR Brands, which recently put out
(“I’m not sure a bear penis looks like that in real life,” he said), but
animatronic models for its Tailz range.
original forms with curves and bends to create different sensations.
These companies know that it’s possible to cater to hardcore fans of the
fetish while at the same time creating fun products that newcomers can
easily explore—and that dual appeal translates to sales as well as loyal
‘Every form we’ve created is in response to customers’ desires.’
One such manufacturer is Gangbangster. While the manufacturer is well
“It is exactly the same with Monster Toys,” he said. “With more
established in France, the company and its various brands—including
reliefs and bumps, the pieces have a real eye-catching style. AnalConda
Monster Toys, AnimHole and Analconda—are new to the North American
pieces are for another type of anal sensation because they are long and
market. Gangbangster has created extreme toys for fans of animal-themed
slender for deeper penetration.”
products for some time, and the team has found there tends to be a specific
Renou said the company’s animal-themed brands are just like others
audience for their products.
they carry: the goal is extreme pleasure.
“Some are purchased out of curiosity certainly, and I’m sure some have
“They are complementary to each other, and customers who already
been purchased as gag gifts,” explained Vincent Renou of Gangbangster.
appreciate the large toys in our First Impact and Hardtastic collections
“But it is first and foremost for a devoted following. Every form we’ve
will certainly love AnimHole and AnalConda,” he said. “I like to say
created is in response to customers’ desires.”
there is no ‘type’ of customer for these types of toys. The toys are for
Animal role play runs the gamut of everything from partners snuggling
anyone who enjoy vaginal or anal pleasure.”
and stroking or grooming one another to wearing leashes or bridles
Attendees at eroFame will find Gangbangster among the exhibitors
to using prosthetics for more elaborate transformational fantasies.
at the show.
Gangbangster helps with the transformation, by creating pieces—usually
For more, visit
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