Page 16 - AVN Intimate Fall 2019
P. 16

Icon Brands Adds to Its BDSM Collection
Icon Brands announced new additions to its Orange is
the New Black range, a value-priced line of BDSM toys.
The manufacturer added six new items to the growing
Sliquid 101 Educational Program Adds Retail Materials
“We’ve brought in three terrific slap-paddles—XOXO,
Slave and Bitch—plus a cool combination feather-tickler
Sliquid has added educational in-store
and riding crop, a spiked and studded cock ring, and a
Kheper Inc. Launches New Emoji Sex Games
retail material to its Liquid 101 marketing and
blow-job relaxer, now with a strap that wraps behind the
Kheper Inc. has added two new
educational campaign.
head,” said Sales Manager Sara Hentcy. “At 30 percent to
sex games: DTF Dice and the DTF
“As Sliquid’s ‘road warrior’ leading the product
50 percent less than what’s out there, these guys really
Card Game.
education I have found our Sliquid 101 campaign
fly off the shelves.”
DTF, which stands for Down to
to be of an essential added value to our growing
Icon has been selling the bright orange and black
Fuck, is represented by the emoticon
representation of distributor and retailer partners,
leather and fur accouterments for three years, and is
face that looks like it’s hitting on
globally. To increase the expectation of a Sliquid
nearing 25 SKUs. For more, visit
you with a sideways glance and
product purchase that most closely aligns with
half smile. The primary concept
the specific needs of the consumer, we offer our
behind both games, is that sexting is
retailers a tangible tool (chart) designed for in-
fun. The games use popular sexting
store use that more clearly defines each of our
icons and help a couple learn how
formulas across our full product line, therefore
to sext each other while playing the
delivering a more direct-to-consumer shopping
experience,” said Michelle Marcus, vice president
“Learning so much about sexting
of sales and merchandising.
has been one of my favorite design
Sliquid is now offering an in-store infographic
projects,” said CEO Brian Pellham.
available directly to retailers to help the end
“The shapes are so funny and there
consumer make a more personal and informed
are just so many hidden meanings
lubricant choice. This new in-store tool is
and naughty surprises you can
designed to help the consumer but also to assist
discover on your smart phones. I
the salesperson in navigating the needs of each
researched the games by exploring
customer to make an informed Sliquid purchase.
profiles on hookup sites and wow,
Sliquid 101 suggests options to meet a wide
there are a lot of dirty people and
range of needs and includes Sliquid products from
emojis out there! I love it!”
all three collections: Sliquid Naturals, Sliquid
DTF Dice is like most sex dice
Organics and Sliquid Balance.
games in its game play. One die
“Following the official launch this past
role is the action and the other is
fall, Sliquid customers visiting our website
the body part. All of the emojis are
indicated an overwhelming appreciation for the
translated on the back of the header
autonomous aspect of the quiz component. They
card. There are six actions and six
stated that it was a very useful and easy way to
body parts. The first player to roll
access key product information, providing them
the pointing finger and OK symbol
a better overall customer service and shopping
gets to decide how the couple
experience. With this feedback in mind, we
decided to produce the chart so that all customers
The DTF Card Game includes 23
were able to partake in the usefulness of this
popular sexting emojis. The goal is
campaign. The chart even includes a QR Code
for each player to build a sexting
that will link them directly to a product education
fantasy he (or she) would enjoy and
video library,” said Erik Vasquez, Sliquid
then the couple acts both of them
marketing director.
out together after they each take
Interested retailers can call (800) SLIQUID or
seven turns.
email or
For more, visit
16 | INTIMATE | FALL 2019
Magic Silk’s Oil Slick Making A Mark
Anyone looking for some traction in the bedroom can
lubricate their lingerie collection with Oil Slick from
Magic Silk.
This deliciously different offering from Magic Silk
will really light up the boudoir with its bold, iridescent
fabric and sheer mesh details.
These styles come with a selection of eye-catching
details: mesh overlay on molded bra cups, metal
underwire, front hook-and-eye closures, metal garter
clips and adjustable bra straps with metal sliders.
Four different styles offer a bedroom experience
that’s just the right speed: Bra, Boy Short & Removable
Stirrup Set; Halter Bra, Garter & Panty Set; Merry
Widow & G-set; and Triangle Bra & Boy Short. Choose
either of two colors in sizes S/M, L/XL and Queen
(sizes 1-3X).
For more, visit
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