Page 14 - AVN Intimate Spring 2019
P. 14

Home Base The Xgen headquarters in Horsham, Pennsylvania; inset, President Andy Green. Photos courtesy Xgen Products
If you frequent trade shows for the pleasure products in-
dustry, you most likely know Andy Green. The president
of Xgen Products recently took time amid his evening
commute, post-work treadmill session and nightly check-in
with overseas manufacturers to talk about the tenth anni-
versary of his baby—a boutique manufacturer, distributor
and brand manager of all things sexy—and he made it clear
that he loves his work.
“Overall the last 10 years have been the most enjoyable
Boutique-centric distributor marks its 10th anniversary
By Sharan Street
came the 2008 financial debacle—not the best environment for selling luxury goods.
So he started making calls to his former colleagues and soon was back in business—
this time for himself.
“When I came back I wanted to start something that wasn’t DVDs or toys …
the original premise was to create something that could bring in more couples and
women into the stores, and definitely more female-friendly,” Green recollects.
He started selling just two brands: Seven ’til Midnight lingerie and K-Y lubricants.
“I was renting a warehouse and had two employees,” he recalled. “We would get an
order and it would be so exciting—I’d run in the back and we’d pack it and ship it.”
of my working professional career. There’s not a day I
dread going to work.”
But it’s the time on the road that he treasures most. On
top of visiting key accounts and showing off the current
lingerie, accessory and toy collections, there are the shows.
“Nothing gets my blood going like a trade show,” he says.
Why? “It’s a unique industry with great people—I’ve
‘I wanted to start something that wasn’t DVDs or toys … the original premise was to create something that could bring in more couples and women into the stores.’
been able to foster great relationships in the last 22 years.”
Aside from the decade he’s spent building Xgen
from the bottom up, Green also spent 11 years with
leading entrepreneurs Frank and Michael K. at Pleasure
Productions and International Video Distributors, better
known as IVD. And those relationships later became key to
the Xgen story.
After his time at IVD, Green headed for the mainstream
for a gig with a high-end watch and jewelry retailer. Then
His first show was in the spring of 2009. And bit by bit, accessory by accessory, he
built up a business that offers everything a couple might need to spend a sexy night
at home. He started with “two simple brands”—a line of wigs and a small collection
of sex positioning pillow—to get his feet wet with manufacturing. “One thing led to
another,” Green recalls. First came Lapdance Lingerie, then a pasties line, sexy shoes
and stripper poles for consumers—all items powered by a wave of popularity for
pole-dancing classes.
“We took over some brands and then started to dabble in the toy business about

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