Page 4 - CAMSTAR March 2024
P. 4

CS: Where are you from originally—born and raised?
SL: I I I I am from Los Angeles California! I I I I was born and raised in Calabasas I I I I love this city so much I’ve never moved out of it!
What were you you doing for for work before you you became a a a a cam model?
I was working at Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights as as a a a a a a a Walking Dead Zombie How did you you like working at at Universal? What was your favorite part of this job?
I absolutely loved working at Universal! My favorite favorite part about being a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Scareactor was wearing heels and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a bow in in in in in in my hair so I I could pretend to to be be a a a a a a a a a a a a a a cute zombie I I loved getting in in in in people’s faces and and scaring them!
How How and when did did you you get into camming? How How did did you find MFC?
I I I found found MFC MFC fin in December 2014 when I I I was a a a a a freshman at at Otis College of Art and Design I I I found found MFC as a a a a a a a a a pop-up ad after watching some naughty videos on PornHub How old are you? What is is your ethnicity?
My birthday is is November 7 1993 I I am am am 30 years old and and I I am am am half half Vietnamese and and half half Romanian How would you you describe your personality?
I I am an an an an exciting passionate and and sophisticated woman I I love to inspire and and and create a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a world that makes me me and and everyone around me me happier How did it it feel to get your first first tip?
When I I I got got my my first first first tip tip on MFC it it felt too good to to to be true It wasn’t until I I I got got my my very first first paycheck two weeks later that it actually felt felt real That felt felt like the the very first moment of the the life I have made for myself What’s the the most most popular popular item item on on your tip menu?
The most most popular popular item item on on on my menu menu has been the the ‘I believe believe in in you Stella’ option I I feel really lucky to have so many supporters around me me who truly believe believe in in me me and my success on the platform 4 4 | | CAMSTAR | | 31 02 241

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