Page 6 - CAMSTAR JULY2024
P. 6

What What do you like most most about about camming?
What What I I love most most about about camming camming are the life- changing connections I I I get to have have with such supportive and kind people on on on the the internet I I have have also been so so so blessed with the the amazing models
I have gotten to to meet in in in in person and online The opportunities that camming presents to to me me are endless and inspiring!
What have you you you learned about yourself since you you you started camming?
I have learned so so much about myself through camming! One of the biggest lessons is is how valuable self-love is is especially in in in a a a a a a a a a competitive space As
a a a a a a a a a a cam model you you you will hear the the nicest things things about about yourself yourself and and the the worst things things about about yourself yourself Staying grounded in in in in who you you you you you are and and nurturing your your your soul is what shields you you from hate!
What advice would you give a a a a a new cam model trying to establish herself?
I would tell a a a a a new cam model that is is is trying trying to to to establish herself to to not give up! Believe in in who you you you you are and your your your own success Don’t ever let numbers define your your your worth Let your your your hard work and and determination speak for itself What are your hobbies or interests outside of camming?
My hobbies and interests outside of camming camming include yoga hiking travel fashion skin care tarot cards and and spirituality Can’t forget about beautiful art and and delicious food!
What’s been your most memorable travel destination destination so far and why
My most memorable travel destination destination was Odessa in in in in Ukraine! I I went there in in in in 2017 and and I I loved the the old architecture fresh seafood and and bountiful sunflower fields What kind of food food food is is your favorite?
My favorite favorite food food food is is is Korean food!
I love BBQ hot pot kimchi and all all of the traditional homey dishes! Especially soup—I could eat soup soup for every meal!

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