Page 10 - CAMStar June 2023
P. 10

“I’m my own social media manager and I I think that I I do an excellent work ”
Name two or three of your best strengths What are you truly great at?
I’m I’m good at at at managing my my social social networks I’m I’m so so so so proud of my my ability to socialize Also I I I design very aesthetic and beautiful things as draws What kind kind of of things do you like like to to design?
I I like like like like to to to to design design all kinds of of clothes and take photos with my my camera I I also like like like to to to to draw easy things things like like like planets fruits and all all kinds of of things things that come to to my my my mind all all of of them with my own essence What are some examples of things things you draw?
Very simple things things like like food fruits stars anime and sometimes when I I draw I I like like like to put it it on clothes like blouses What instrument do you you use when you you draw?
My iPad How How long have you you been drawing? How How did you you learn?
Around five years I learned it watching videos on Internet What is your greatest achievement so far?
That I I can can help my family and give them the the best things that I I can can provide What’s next for you?
I I do not plan it I I just to lead a a a a a quiet and friendly life on the internet

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