Page 6 - CAMStar August 2023
P. 6

“I like being able to connect with people ”
What advice would you give a a a a a new cam model trying to to establish herself?
Advice I would would give to to to a a a a a new cam model trying trying to to to to establish themselves would would be to to to to set boundaries for yourself when it comes to to to streaming streaming Having
a a a a a a a a a balance between streaming streaming streaming and life outside of streaming streaming is so so incredibly important for your mental health Also don’t change who you you you you are to to fit in in in Be yourself and people will naturally gravitate to to you you you What are your hobbies or interests outside of camming?
Some of of my favorite things to to do outside of of camming definitely include going to to concerts spending quality time with my friends playing video games and and pole! I take pole pole classes and and it’s such an an amazing exercise What What kind of concerts do you you like to attend? What What was your most recent concert?
I I listen to alternative music so those are the types of concerts I I typically attend! My most recent concert concert was was an all-day alternative festival that my city throws once once a a a a a a a a a a a year it it was was a a a a a a a a a a a blast!
What kind of video games do you you like to play? Which is your favorite favorite right now?
My favorite favorite favorite types of video games games to play are horror-themed games games Currently my favorite favorite is “Dead by Daylight”!
When did you begin taking pole dancing classes?
I I began taking taking pole classes classes a a a a a a a a couple of of years ago I’m off and on on on from taking taking them right now but working on on on getting back on on on schedule because I I truly love it!
What was your first tattoo tattoo and when did you you you get it? About how many tattoos do you you you have now?
My first tattoo tattoo tattoo was actually a a a a a a a a a a a small infinity symbol I I I have tattooed on on on the inside of of one one of of my fingers I I I just wanted to to see how it it felt It was honestly pretty silly I I I I got it it probably around around 2012 I I I I now have around around 15 tattoos I I believe!
6 | | CAMSTAR | | 08 23

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