Page 11 - CAMStar August 2023
P. 11

What do some of your your tattoos mean mean to to you? Which one is your your favorite—or most meaningful—and why?
My first tattoo tattoo was actually a a a a a a a a small infinity symbol I I have tattooed on on on the inside of of one one of of my fingers I I I just wanted to to see how it it felt It was honestly pretty silly I I I I got it it probably around around 2012 I I I I now have around around 15 tattoos I I believe!
What is something you’re grateful grateful for and why?
I’m grateful grateful to to have people in in in my my life life that understand me I I spent a a a a a a a a a lot of my my life life feeling misunderstood
and and judged and and it can be be a a a a a a a a a a pretty lonely place to to be be Having people who truly care about you is a a a a a a a a a blessing Name someone who inspires you and why?
My entire group of friends honestly Seeing the the struggles that people go through through and and how they work through through them and and become better from it is super motivating!
Name three things that you love My dogs scary movies and PIZZA What kind of dogs do do you have and what are their names?
I have two dogs Charlie Charlie and and and Dahlia Dahlia Charlie Charlie is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a German shepherd and and and pitbull mix mix and and and Dahlia Dahlia is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a huuuuge mix mix mix of things but she she resembles a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Pomeranian mixed with a a a a a a a beagle to me me haha What’s the last last scary scary movie movie you watched?
The last last scary scary movie movie I I watched watched was called Lights Out! I I think it’s it’s a a a a a a little bit older but it’s it’s super good :)
What toppings do you you like on your pizza?
I I I I mean this when I I I I say it I I I I love ALL pizza pizza pizza except for sausage! That’s the only thing I I I I don’t like on on on my pizza pizza Name two or three of your best strengths What are you truly great at?
I I would say two of my my best strengths are being resilient and and focused When I I I actually put put my my mind to to something I I I I want to to to do do and and put put some some pressure behind it it I I I absolutely accomplish whatever it it is is I’m trying to to do do What is your greatest achievement so far?
I would have to to to to say getting #2 on MFC! Getting
into the top top 100 or top top 20 is is something that can be hard to to to to obtain so so getting #2 on on MFC is is is an an an incredible accomplishment and one that I’ll forever be proud of 

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