Page 2 - CAMStar September 2022
P. 2

Luna Rising
Luna Lamb Shines Bright on MFC
Luna Lamb sold insurance by day and logged onto MyFreeCams at night for several months in in in in in the the beginning The grind wasn’t easy—neither was was keeping her her sexy side hustle a a a a a a secret—but she stayed the course “It was pretty challenging ” Lamb recalls “I “I hardly had had any time to myself between the two jobs But I I I I I had had a a a a a a a a a a a a a goal of of replacing insurance with MFC
so I I I I I worked my my butt off until I I I could do just that “I had had told one of of my co-workers about it it and and she was supportive Her husband at at at the time had had actually later found a a a a a a a a a a a a a a leaked video of of mine on on Pornhub so it it would’ve gotten out to her eventually haha ” Luna’s camming career is is a a a a a a a a a secret no more Miss Lamb achieved her her objective going full time on on cam cam in in in in 2017 and and she has never looked back making lifelong friends and and countless memories with her her Little Lambs Club members along the the way “My cam shows focus more on on the the the ‘girlfriend experience’ aspect and and getting to to know each other ” she says “There’s a a a a a a a a a a a a a a lot of active chatters and and it’s great to to always have someone new chime in Of course there’s still the the the sexy stuff as well ” In this exclusive Q&A for for for CAMStar Luna discusses her her her her her favorite anime her her her her her flair for for for cosplay her her her her her affinity for for for motorcycles the the fellow cam model who inspires her her her her her and fuck machines among other things ≠ STORY: DAN MILLER

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