Page 8 - CAMSTAR July 2022
P. 8

Name three things that you love 1) My cats 2) Food
3) Wine
Which podcasts are you you currently listening to— which is is is your favorite and why?
I am listening to ‘The Opportunist’ and and ‘Court Junkie ’ ’ My favorite podcast of all time is is is ‘Someone Knows Something’ because he he focuses on on lesser known cold cases and works closely with the victim’s families What What is your your tattoo on your your ankle? What What does it mean to you?
It’s a a a a a a a a a a cheeseburger in the shape of a a a a a a a a a a heart! I I I got it for my friend who passed away when I I I was 18 She ate McDonald’s every single day hahaha How would you you describe your affinity for vintage clothes?
I I I I just love love dressing colorful and and I I I I love love vintage patterns and and designs I I I I do not wear black I I I I only
wear colors Most days I I look like a a a a slutty clown and I I love it What kind of wine do you like?
I only
drink Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand Yummy!!!
What’s What’s your your favorite favorite kind kind of of ice cream? What’s What’s your your favorite favorite kind of pie?
OK I’m loving these food questions I I love Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food
or a a a a a a a a a a a Cheesecake Blizzard from DQ and I am am a a a a a a a a a a big fan of banana cream pie What What kind of cats cats do you you you have? What What inspired you you you to name your cats cats after Italian food?
I I I I have four kitties all of of which are rescued I I I I kinda of of inherited my first cat (Spaghetti) and I I I I just went from there I love a a theme!
What’s your order at at Starbucks?
Venti Brown Sugar shaken espresso with oat milk

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