Page 5 - CAMSTAR July 2022
P. 5

CS: Where are you from originally—born and raised?
MS: I live in Philly!
What were you you doing for for work before you you became a a a a cam model?
I I I was a a a a a a a bartender and a a a a a a a server I I I quit in 2016 when I I I went for my first-ever rank month on on MFC How How and when did did did you you you get into camming? How How did did did you you you find MFC? When did did you you you start camming camming full time?
I I I found out out about camming and and MFC from SabrinaNellie I I I saw her on on Instagram and and and thought ‘What does this girl do do do and and why is is she constantly lounging around in in in fin fancy lingerie? I want to do do do that!’ That girl deserves a a a a a a a finder’s fee from MFC because
I I swear every cam cam girl my age got into the game because
of of of her I I I started camming in in in in July of of of 2014 but I I I went full time in in in November of of 2016!
How did you you build your community on on MFC? I’ll be honest I I I have no idea! These people just keep showing up and I’m like like ‘y’all still like like me???’
For readers who may not have seen your cam shows yet how how would you you describe them?
Lots of ass shaking cursing and wine drinking!
How did you you you develop your camming routine? When are you you you usually on on cam?
I I I I used to to get online online after I I I I got off my serving job and I I I I I guess I I I I I just stuck to to that routine I I I I I usually log online online at at like 8 p m Eastern 5 | | CAMSTAR | | 07 22

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