Page 8 - CAMSTAR September 2018
P. 8
How did you develop your camming routine?
I developed my routine by trying different hours for a week at
a time and I’d see what works the best and what crowd likes me
more. I used to try all sorts of hours, like US night time for me in
the UK was 12 a.m. to 6 a.m.! I was missing sunlight for a while!
How do you use MFCShare?
I love MFCShare! I mainly use it for my videos but I enjoy
making goals and putting my clubs on there. It makes everything
so much easier. My favorite club I have is my Funeral Fund club. I
used to have this as just a regular tip but MFCShare enabled me
to keep track of when I’m being a hypochondriac lol! I’m a bit of a
health freak and always think something is wrong with me. Every
time I’m being dramatic my members tip for my Funeral Fund.
What advice would you give
a new cam model trying to
establish herself?
The best advice I could give a
new model is to stay consistent
with your times. Be online as much
as you can because some of this
game is about luck, too! Have
to be in it to win it. Also if your
room is quiet try dancing around
or putting on your favorite song
and having some fun! Always be
yourself because it is so rewarding
when people love you for who you
really are and not your persona!
When did you get your first tattoo? About how many tattoos do you have?
My first tattoo was ‘Just prisoners here of our own device,’ which are lyrics to
‘Hotel California’ by The Eagles. It was on my 18th birthday and it’s my dad’s
favorite song! I have about 20 tattoos now.
Which ones are your favorites and why?
My favorite tattoo is probably my African lady. I got it because I always saw
gothic-looking neo-trad portraits and never any African ladies so I wanted to be
one of the first! I also am in love with my ‘groovy’ tattoo because who can think
of anything bad when they think of the word groovy!
8 | CAMSTAR | 9.18