Page 11 - CAMSTAR May 2018
P. 11
What would you like to do with your
I used to want to be a teacher. I
dreamed of teaching both maths
and art and kind of building a bridge
between the gaps in those students.
I loved both in school but there was
zero overlap with the students in my
classes. Now, I’m not so sure what I
want to do with my degree! But this
doesn’t bother me. It’s more exciting
to see what comes my way. I would
really love to do a fine arts degree
next and learn more about art-making
since so far the focus has been on
studying the works of others. Then
there’s the idea of getting three
degrees so I can rub them in the
faces of anyone that thinks people
only getting into camming or porn
because they’re stupid. I’m not stupid!
Or then there’s the other theory that
cam girls are just desperate to pay
their expensive school debt but sorry,
I have a full scholarship for my double
degree and have nothing to pay!
Name two or three of your best
strengths. What are you truly great
I am very independent, goal-
driven and smart! I think those are
a pretty winning combination for
success. I think missing even one of
those strengths makes it difficult.
Being independent and goal-driven
is great but if you don’t know what
you’re doing then nothing much
will get done. You can be smart and
independent but have no direction
and equally get nothing done. You
get the idea. I think these things are
great but also can sometimes be my
detriment. I’m known for working
myself into exhaustion and forgetting
to live life. I’m working on that.
What kind of painting do you like to
I love painting portraits of myself,
friends and family the most. Most
of my paintings are self-portraits
because well, I’m always available
when I need a subject. I paint very
fast and in an expressive way. I
rarely spend more than two to three
hours on a painting. My favorite
artists are impressionists and post-
impressionists. I love bright colors and
messy paintings.
5.18 | CAMSTAR | 11