Page 11 - CAMSTAR January 2018
P. 11

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
I’m not sure if perfect happiness is attainable
but I think surrounding yourself with genuinely
caring, supportive people will help anyone be
a happier person. For example, we put a lot of
effort into impressing strangers on social media
and it’s sometimes easy to lose contact with the
people in our lives who genuinely care about
our well being. I also think it’s important to put
positive energy into the world. It’s such a fulfilling
experience to make others smile without any
expectations in return. I don’t know if perfect
happiness exists but I think making others happy
is a great way to bring happiness and positivity
into your own life as well.
What is your greatest fear?
I think my greatest fear is failure. I know I’m not
alone in this but it can make it very difficult to
try new things. It’s difficult to ignore judgement
from others but I know I’ll regret avoiding
new experiences just because someone might
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and
would you do it again?
I think the craziest thing I’ve ever done is
camming. I had really low self-esteem when I
was in college and I still can’t believe I was brave
enough to show my naked body on the internet.
I’m glad I was able to push my limits and try
something new. I think it worked out really well
and I can definitely say I’d do it again!
What is your most treasured possession?
My most treasured possession is probably a
framed photo of my grandmother holding me
on the day I was born. She never let anyone take
pictures of her so this is the only photo I have.
It’s probably an odd possession to treasure but it
means the world to me.
1.18 | CAMSTAR | 11

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