Page 46 - AVN Men 2020
P. 46
“My mom, she’s like my best
friend. I tell her everything”
Most people haven’t heard of the small Mississippi town he grew up in, so Cade Maddox just says
it’s Biloxi, which is 15 minutes west. It’s a place he would just as soon forget.
“It was really awful, man. I’d say for like the first 18 years of my life, I hated my life. I just felt like
it wasn’t mine. My mom was very religious, and so it was like you go to church twice a week, and
if you miss church Sunday or Wednesday, you have no extracurricular activities—which when you
live in a small town in the country, that’s all that you have to do. For me, it was sports. So we went to
church twice a week without complaining. I was kind of raised with the belief that gay was wrong,
that it’s not right to feel that way. So when I was discovering my sexuality in my early years, I just
really suppressed it to kind of conform.”
Who knew that Maddox would soon grow into one of the biggest porn stars in the business—and
that his mom would support it? “My mom, she’s like my best friend. I tell her everything.”
After entering the industry working with Jason Sparks in 2017, Maddox soon got calls from big
studios, starting with and soon followed by Icon. And last year, he signed as an exclusive
with the big one.
“I met Tim Valenti at a party here in L.A., and he was like, ‘Why are you not exclusive with us?’
And I was like, ‘Well, I thought y’all didn’t like me! You filmed me like a year ago.’ And he was like,
‘No!’ And then after that, we did a couple negotiations and I signed with Falcon. And it was always
in the back of my head: How am I going to top my first year?”
The contract was proof to Maddox that maybe, just maybe, he had actually arrived. “For me,
it meant, well, shit, I must be doing something right, you know? It really made me happy … my
experience with them has been great—they have a great fan base that is already built up, they’re
marketing me in ways that I could not market myself, so I think I think it’s been a great connection.
I’ve gained a lot of confidence in myself over the last couple years of doing this.”
4 6 A V N M E N . C O M | C A D E M A D D O X