Page 34 - AVN Men 2020
P. 34
“I was just dazed by meeting all
the models.”
The only porn star Riley Finch followed before getting into the
business was Joey Mills. Imagine his joy—and shock—when it was
Mills who picked the newbie up at the airport when he flew in for
his first shoot ever.
“I had no clue he was going to be there,” says the gushing
Colorado native. “I was completely nervous and star-shocked. I
was like. ‘Oh my God, that’s Joey Mills!’ And I didn’t say anything
of course. I was like, ‘I can’t let him know that I’ve seen him naked
before. I need to be cool.’”
8teenBoy saw something special in the newcomer, and the
feeling is mutual.
“It was kind of like stepping into a brand-new world for me,
figuring out who everyone was … it was huge, and it’s really cool to
be a part of everything,” shares Finch. He was a chemistry major
in college before switching to cosmetology school—along with
working at an upscale resort in Colorado Springs. He got a taste of
performing on Chaturbate, and he wanted more.
“I remember them flying me out, and my best friend was texting
me the whole time. She’s like, ‘If anything happens, I’ll fly out in
a second and come save you!’ Basically, I was just chatting with
her the whole time, and I told Max [Carter] she was my wifey, and
I was living with her at the time. She was just making sure I was
comfortable and everything was going good. I was just dazed by
meeting all the models … honestly, I was just happy to be there.”
Finch found himself in 8teenBoy’s smash hit Winter Break, and
has shot exclusively with the studio since entering the business in
late 2018. He’s hoping some Helix crossover work is in his future.
“I’ve definitely become a lot more confident with who I am, and not
being as nervous as I used to be—just putting myself out there, not
hiding who I am and being myself as much as possible. Because
when I first started, I was definitely scared to be who I was. I was
like, ‘Maybe people won’t like who I am.’ ... People respond way
better to you just being yourself and being out there than when you
try to be someone you’re not.”
3 4 A V N M E N . C O M | R I L E Y F I N C H