Page 21 - AVN Men 2019
P. 21

“I came out to kids ...
when I was 13 and was
severely bully bashed.”
Believe it or not, there was a time when Australia wasn’t the friendliest of places for the
gays. “Coming out? it was horrible and amazing,” recalls Woody Fox. “I came out to kids
at school when I was 13, and I was like super severely bully bashed, and moved to five
different high schools. ... And coming out to my parents? My mom’s dad is actually a super
big gay homo—like, scandalously. He used to own a lot of gay bars back in the days when
it was illegal. He used to run and help Les Girls, which is like a trans-cabaret … and then
my brother’s gay, too. So we’re like a big gay family.” Fox initially entered adult in 2012 but
left after a few years to focus on circus acrobatics (he’s currently refining an act for Cirque
du Soleil). But when a peer tried to take advantage of his past while he was in school,
Fox decided to jump back in and own it. “I started going by Woody Fox, and I ended up
remembering Falcon and how lovely they were. I was like, ‘I’m going to get back in. I don’t
need to do it, but I’m going to do it, and I’m going to try Falcon.’ I told them that I would
only do porn again if I was exclusive with them, and they were like, ‘Of course!’”
W O O D Y F O X | A V N M E N . C O M 2 1

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