Page 4 - AVN Magazine March 2025
P. 4
Ryan Reid wanted her hobby to be on the cover of AVN magazine this month.
“I have a new obsession with golf right now,” Ryan tells me. “So if the weather is nice I’m
going to be golfing.
“That is like my favorite thing. It took me 26 years of life to find a hobby I feel like.”
The AVN Award-winning contract star for Brazzers says she wasn’t getting tired of porn
when she discovered her enjoyment for golf—quite the contrary. She just needed something
that would get her outside for a change.
“I was always inside. You need the fresh air. You need the sunlight on your skin. You can’t
always be inside,” Ryan reasons. “I needed something that was going to get me outside
and away from my phone for a little bit.
“Phones are so toxic, seeing shit all day long, scrolling on Instagram. We all do it, we get
stuck on TikTok for hours and hours and hours.
“I needed something that was going to make me put my phone down and get me outside
and I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what that was going to be. And then I met this
guy who I’m dating now who’s obsessed with golf. He’s been golfing since he was a kid.”
At first she’d go to the course with him and just sit on the golf cart with her phone in hand.
“And then one day I picked up one of his clubs and I started swinging it and I was like
wait, this could be kind of fun,” Ryan says. “So now I’ve been golfing since July of last year
and I’m absolutely obsessed. I’m outside. My phone is in my car or in my bag. I’m not near
my phone at all and it’s a fun activity with your boyfriend.”
She even bought her own set of clubs. Reid describes her golf game as “questionable.”
“I have my good days and bad days, but I feel like that’s golf,” she says. “It’s a very
supportive community. It’s such a happy place to be.”
E d i to r- i n - C h i e f
4 A V N . C O M | 3 . 2 5 | E D I T O R ’ S N O T E