Page 37 - AVN Magazine March 2025
P. 37

Ada Lapiedra reveals she was at home with her mother when she heard she had won the 2025
AVN Best New International Starlet award.
“And a colleague from there told me,” she says.
“I thought he was playing a joke on me until he sent me the link and I saw that it was true and
between shouts and cries of joy both my mother and I spent an incredible day after the news,”
Lapiedra tells AVN, adding that her mother is her biggest fan.
The former mainstream model from Lleida, the ancient city in Spain’s northeastern Catalonia
region, enjoyed a breakout year in 2024, telling AVN the victory on Jan. 25 at the 42nd annual AVN
Awards Show came as a complete shock.
“I wouldn’t even know what to say. I didn’t expect to win it at all. I already felt special just by
being nominated,” says Lapiedra, who triumphed in one of the most competitive categories of the
event. “Winning it reminded me of why I started and it has given me the strength to keep working
above all else.”
She continues, “It gives me confidence in myself. And above all I am grateful to be nominated and
to win—very grateful. Both with the producers who have counted on me and with the actors and
actresses that I have had the luxury of working with. It means that day by day I have been able to
overcome all my fears, travel alone, meet all kinds of people and learn to manage my emotions…”
Ada, who moved to Barcelona to study when she was 17, worked for several years in the banking
industry until she decided to leave it all behind to pursue her dream of becoming a model—something
she did professionally for 10 years.
She performed her first sex scene in October 2022 with no expectations other than wanting to
see if she liked it. She took things slow, recording about 15 scenes by the summer of 2023—and
last year she showed the world what she could do.
“I started 2024 being clear that this was the year to start traveling for real and in January I went to
Budapest,” Ada explains. “There I had the opportunity to work with very good production companies,
actors and actresses, and to be able to show each one of them that for me, this industry is much
more than just recording and making money.
“It’s about learning every day and fighting for my dreams, which is to show or teach the good
part of the industry. That being an actress does not invalidate you in anything and you are just as
valid as anyone else.
“That if you know where you want to go, you can just take the right steps.”
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