Page 84 - AVN JULY 2024
P. 84

“And I started going to the gym and I developed a new friend group of really great people.”
In October 2017, Kait had saved enough to get her own studio apartment in downtown Long Beach. It was around that time that she decided to go for her personal training certification.
She bought all the books and knew when her test was going to be—August 2018—but she didn’t study much.
“I worked a really tough job so I wasn’t going home and wanting to do all that,” Kait says. “So I kind of waited until it was a week before the test and then I really, really studied hard and I passed it.
“And I don’t know how the testing is now but those tests were not easy—like I was terrified. Like I’m not going to pass this. Because it’s really in-depth questions about human anatomy and just making sure you’re not injuring your clients. It’s intense stuff.
“So I passed it in August of 2018 and I started looking for jobs, went to a bunch of interviews, while still working in sales & marketing.”
Her job search led her to Equinox in Santa Monica, where she went through four interviews and got hired in February 2019—so she left her position at the hotel.
Kait had already been doing boudoir modeling on the weekends as a side hobby, something to break up the monotony of her corporate 9-to-5. And she already had been growing her current Instagram account but it was more fitness oriented.
As she posted more photos on Instagram, more photographers would ask to shoot her. And her comfort level grew to the point where she began experimenting with sexier poses and outfits with one of her regular photographers.
He suggested she start an OnlyFans—they would shoot together and she would give him 10% of her earnings. Feeling like she had everything to gain from the collab, she decided to do it.
That became the catalyst for her doing more nudes—first topless and then fully nude photos where she didn’t show her face.
She made a couple grand a month to start, but the numbers kept going up as she got more risque with her content—until she reached the $10K mark in September of that year.
“The first thing I thought of was like, ‘Wow, I feel like I’m the richest person in the world,’” Kait says with a laugh. “But then also—because I was always taught to not spend money—I still lived at a very minimum lifestyle and I just saved and kept working. I was so grateful that I didn’t have to work anymore.
“Like I have to work but this doesn’t feel like a job.”
She continues, “I felt like I unlocked a hack in life. I was like, wait, I don’t have to use an alarm to wake up anymore?
“I get to make my own schedule, I’m making great money and I don’t have to worry about money anymore? So I was really happy and I thoroughly enjoyed every single day.
“After you come from a background of working so hard for corporate America I feel like you really appreciate the freedom that this lifestyle and this career gives you.
84 AVN.COM | 7.24 | TRU KAIT

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