Page 22 - AVN November 2023
P. 22

There are three scenes to go now, the sex scene and the dream sequence that comes right before Calvert wakes up, before the last shot of the day: the opening shot of the piece, it’s a hand-held 90-second single shot that starts from far behind Calvert sitting on a bench with her boyfriend as he breaks up with her, circles around to catch her reaction, and then circles back to show the sun setting in the distance. Sunset is at 7:05 and there’s no room for error.
The sex scene is staged in a small bedroom, flooded with light from floor-to-ceiling windows. Calvert and Ray chat on the bed as I walk in with Randall with her stills camera, then I walk right out again. This is going to be tight as it is, I’ll watch from the monitors. Techs walk in and out, I notice a neat coil of hemp rope on a table. Probably won’t be used here. Editor Kyle is watching on the monitor and taking notes. “I’m used to editing two cameras, but that’s more mechanical,” he tells me.

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