Page 29 - AVN December 2023
P. 29

 “I was like, are you fucking kidding me?” Kiss says. “So there is so much moment in your life where you’re like, I want to give up. But the key is to don’t give up.”
There’s no quit in Kiss—it’s not her nature.
Born and raised in Niš, the third largest city in Serbia located about 155 miles south of the capital of Belgrade, Kiss earned her nursing degree and then also finished her studies at an economic university.
And she worked the entire time she was studying.
“My life has just been like move, move, go, go, go,” Cherry says.
From an early age Kiss did whatever she could to help her family survive—her parents
are both nurses and don’t earn a big wage, plus she has two sisters.
“I have two younger sisters and I take care of all my family, from the books, from the
school, from everything—since forever. I’m working since 14 years old,” Kiss says.
“I’ve been singing, I’ve been doing so many things. Small works, a little here, a little there. But everything was for my family. And I feel sometimes because life is crazy, you meet
crazy people. You do crazy things and I’m so lucky to have them.
“Because whatever road I go I’m like I need to think about my sisters. So whatever road
I go very fast. I see if it’s good or not because I have something more important than me. “If it was just me I think I will make much more mistakes in my life if I don’t have my
sisters. My middle one is five years different and the youngest one is 12 years different. “I grow her like my baby. My parents both are nurse and they have payment that is not
even enough to cover their bills.”
Kiss defended her decision to do adult—and the industry itself—for many years in Serbia. “I think one day somebody will make a movie about my story,” Cherry says. “Because
I’m the first one [in Serbia] and I survived like wow, so many things. For six years straight I was just like fighting on TV.
“I was fighting on TV to explain this business is a business.”
She appeared on numerous shows—and did reality TV alongside singers and other famous Serbians—while enduring their criticism and judgment. In the process, Kiss achieved national fame in Serbia. Because she stood up for herself and owned her choices, Cherry managed to shift the narrative about her.
“So after that they start to like me and they start to respect me,” Cherry says.
“And then I opened a club in Belgrade and I run it seven years as well. I always have one foot in the [adult] business, one foot with another business and I’m hyperactive so I need more work.”
Kiss says her opportunity with the club came about due to her high profile from TV.
“I got so much respect from the owner from the way how I fight for my life, he literally just give me the keys of the club in my hands,” Cherry says. “And he say, ‘I trust you to run this.’ It’s very old guy and he teach me how to run business.
“I’m thankful for that. I was listening to him. He was annoying but he’s so smart. He teach me everything, very old ways of running business. Don’t make mistakes. Separating work and pleasure. Don’t interact with the workers. You need to keep separate, what is work is work, what is fun is fun.”
CHERRY KISS | 12.23 | AVN.COM 29

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