Page 70 - AVN December 2022
P. 70

“I grew up being really nerdy. I wasn’t able to fit in.”
Myers says her mom grilled Berke for three hours just to make sure it was legit before she flew to the Sunshine State during her summer break from college in July 2018.
“She’s still supportive of my career to this day,” Myers says of her mom. “I’m very lucky and feel really blessed she’s in my corner.”
Berke remembers how Myers possessed a strong desire to succeed from day one.
“I always said to her, ‘You’re going to be a superstar. Just believe that and stay true to
yourself,’” Berke says. “She really created the superstar who is today Violet Myers.
“All I did was just sort of kept her in a straight line and kept her focused and she dedicated
herself to being that girl. And it was amazing to sit on the outside and just watch it happen.” Violet lived at Berke’s model condo in Florida for more than a year before she decided to move back to L.A. in August 2019 and book scenes through OC Modeling. But to this day she
remains good friends with Berke.
“I’ve always been there for her through anything and she knows she can call me,” Berke adds.
“... I’ve always wanted what was best for her.”
OC Modeling’s Sandra McCarthy agrees, telling AVN that she’s “so proud of Violet’s success
in and out of the industry.”
“She’s very grounded and knows what she wants,” McCarthy says. “Violet is unique when it
comes to her fans. She is a dedicated diehard for every fan. I love that she takes the time to communicate with each fan through social media—I think that’s what makes her so popular. You just love her!
“She’s humble, sweet, energetic, easy to get along with, loving and all-around the perfect package.”
As Myers ponders the immediate future, she says this is only the beginning.
“I want to continue to be on social media and I’m gonna start my own podcast in 2023,” Violet tells AVN. “I want to continue to do really good on YouTube. I want to fulfill the rest of my Vixen
contract and have a lot of new firsts.
“I just want to keep elevating as far as I can in the industry and keep doing better and not
looking back. For my personal self, I want to do more meditation, yoga and cooking at home and not eating out as much and stay healthy.
“And I want to open doors for more girls like me, so they can feel like they’re able to do it, too.”

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