Page 83 - AVN SEPTEMBER 2021
P. 83

“You can still work hard and not take
yourself too seriously.”
The star of the “Grateful Red Tour” knows that first impressions matter.
So when Jayden Cole lands in a new city to headline a gentlemen’s club, she finds reasons to
smile regardless what may be going on around her.
“It’s important to me no matter if I had a rough travel day or whatever to put it to the side and
just present myself as a professional with a positive attitude that I’m happy to be there,” Cole says.
“And that really sets the tone for the entire weekend.
“It will always make it a good show. It doesn’t matter if you had a bad day, if you got three hours
of sleep… it really helps the weekend go very smoothly.”
And thanks to her sunny personality, stunning look and electric stage presence, Cole has
presided over countless smooth weekends at clubs across the country in the past decade, gaining
hundreds of thousands of fans and collecting a few awards along the way.
It’s no wonder why Cole’s weekly “Bathtub Tuesdays” live sessions have become appointment
“I try to bring that to the live shows as well,” explains Cole, who made her porn debut in 2009
and has performed exclusively with women for her entire career. “It doesn’t matter what’s going
on or what happened two hours before—if my doggo was sick or anything negative—putting that
aside is super important. And just remembering that I am still a goofy, silly person and to allow
people access to that I think is what helped me be successful.”
Jayden’s success is a source of inspiration for seasoned entertainment executives such as
Brian Rosenberg, who co-owns Gossip N.Y. in Long Island.
The upscale club has become one of Cole’s favorite stops on the dance circuit for several
reasons, not the least of which is because of the way Rosenberg advertises her shows.
It was Rosenberg, the 37-year veteran concert and event promoter, who coined “Grateful Red
Tour” years ago as a way to market one of Cole’s upcoming dance bookings.
“I’m in the music business and for me everything I do needs themes,” Rosenberg tells AVN.
“Everyone just does the generic. If it was a music group like The Rolling Stones you don’t just go
out and say it’s ‘The Rolling Stones Tour.’ Whether it be a new album or an anniversary I believe
when you go generic that’s just like dry toast. It’s just another day at the office for people in the
“But when you come up with something like the ‘Grateful Red Tour,’ I think it sparks interest that
you normally wouldn’t get if it said, ‘Jayden Cole appears at so-and-so club.’”
Rosenberg in the past seven years transformed Gossip into a premier nightlife destination on
Long Island—now 30 percent of his customers are women who come in for the exclusive party
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