Page 75 - AVN MAY 2021
P. 75
Pubic hair has a harried history. Modern day pube history includes the first
glimpse of pubic hair in a 1970 issue of Penthouse magazine. The “Golden Age
of Porn” in the 1960’s and 70’s was super hairy with adult screens dominated
by massive pube fros.
Dian Hanson, author of Taschen Book’s trilogy The History of Men’s Magazines,
which traces the evolution of “girlie magazines” from the 1950’s through the
1970’s, says, “The 60’s were the beginning of the pubic hair revolution.” Full
hippie fro remained through the 70’s and 80’s before “shaved beavers” made their
appearance in the early 90’s. In 1994, the “J Sisters” opened a spa in New York
City offering the “Brazilian,” which made history by stripping a lady’s business
bare with a hot “bikini wax.” By the mid-2000’s, short and curlies made a brief
resurgence with hairy porn titles like Harry Twatter.
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