Page 10 - AVN March 2021
P. 10

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Sa tisfy‘ er
"IFA 2020: Tihesé products‘ '€Now‘c1 weifness téeh bra ndi ”The Satisfyer is one of the
dééérvé ii:-;iir.i,,_HOTTEVS’IT has léiufiéhéd v:-xwfiew séx most fiévgblutiofiary téys oh
Tec,i‘i{"—Awuirdi, soeisfyecr tovthat com'ec:E,s to your the ‘rnaf|'<{et. 1TP§1isimiroc'u’|'o,i‘1s
Gannect N79” glam-<;|,ock and Makes vow vib,e;eom.bin,es all the
V N H uipi.withia,'buzz‘" benefits of oral sex ‘w.iith~
 MW? r deep: g-spot‘ 'stimuilation."
"The“c;iJi11-fllvcriitie‘ 61‘: pulse “'|V3V“:t wfienf firsmamed the “This toy is considéréd t’i:i1;='
V , V V V  V _ , V Sgmisfyei’ Proi2v,uI w;j:sV ublie , V V ._ .
stimulator that-‘s: well Offifs V V V V best be‘gin’n'e'r’s suctiorl tgay
7wa‘ bebomirig the‘ next t.e.1hav,e:i_;h1ree creams and ialwo shins beén fof
T  ,, I ' ‘I, l  , ihojne i','iig|nti(>ti’nt?5i,ig.h~ric:t j ’ 'y; ' ’ ”' '
Magi; Wand as anlegendary _. - I , the years its beenoutfl
‘ " one session). Obviously, ‘I ‘
musytfihave I aniiedit kn m e‘"’
'* ~ ‘” 1‘ ° °‘” °’ ‘ 009Ifl’flJ'|IiN
Reviewed VGLAM0uR, ‘
‘ ‘ ~'w.n:nd,

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