Page 56 - AVN JUNE 2021
P. 56
or a whole week of porn shoots in fabulous places like Ibiza, Mallorca, Barcelona, or
… Wales.
Yes, Wales. We would shoot at a castle in the middle of sheep country, right near a
little village (yes, you can think of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade if you want to—I know
I did), and then you’d have someone like Tori Black or Sasha Grey or Georgie Lyle
sashaying around the little village in her schoolgirl outfit, driving everyone crazy.
Anyway, we wanted to give the customers the most value for their money, so we’d be
filming all the time. And we’d need to hire performers who were not only exhibitionists
for the camera but also for a group of “civilians” standing around who couldn’t believe
their good luck. And yes, while there was cum and squirt flying everywhere (we made
sure all the civilians stood back), after the scene, there was always applause. And if
you’re an attention-seeking porn girl, that’s exactly what you want.
And if that sounds wholesome to you, like it’s a college production of “Our Town”
where the cast takes a bow at the end and the audience hangs out to say nice things,
you’re right. Except in this production, the girls are all naked and covered in jizz.
But the audience doesn’t care. They are so excited to see hot girls having sex (and
not calling the cops on them) that they want to hug or shake hands with their new
porn star friends. After all, they’ve spent a week having meals, hanging out, playing
pool, learning the Magyar word for “pussy” (it’s pipinka), etc. and very early on, we
had to institute what we call the Porn Star Handshake, which is an elbow bump now
used the world over in lockdown times, so our honored Porn Star Vacations guests
wouldn’t get covered in jizz.
So, as the quarantine lifts and you’re giving your final elbow bumps before you can
hug your family and friends again, just thank your friendly international pornographer
that you’re not covered in COVID and jizz.
Visit to find out more.
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