Page 53 - AVN JUNE 2021
P. 53
“It makes me prouder than I ever
thought I could be, honestly.”
Ana Foxxx told AVN that she did not set out to create a groundbreaking
project with her behind-the-camera debut for Playboy Plus featuring
iconic performer Misty Stone.
But that’s what she did.
The performer-turned-director hand-selected the photographer, John
Taylor, and crew. Foxxx also chose locations, wardrobe and everything
else that created the world of Misty Stone in Natural Desires, which was
shot on location in Glendale, Calif.
“When I went into going to produce for Playboy, I didn’t even particularly
choose everyone being Black. I chose people that I knew,” Foxx told
AVN. “The photographer, J.T., was one of the first people to shoot me,
and I’ve worked with him plenty of times for Penthouse. My production
manager, Lotus Lain, is my best friend. It just turned out that everybody
turned out to be African-American.”
But when she learned that she had, without even trying to do so,
assembled the first all-Black production team for Playboy Plus, she was
“kind of in disbelief. I was so happy—so happy and so honored to be
a part of that.”
The groundbreaking accomplishment, she said, is also a personal
milestone in her own career, after a decade in the adult industry and
hundreds of scenes to her credit.
“I just want to scream it from the mountaintops,” she declared. “I want
people to know it’s really important, how long I’ve been here, how much
I’ve worked, and everything coming together to get me here. I just want
everybody to know what an accomplishment it is.”
The Playboy Plus project is only the start of a new phase to Foxxx’s
career. At press time in April she already had new shoots planned for
May. But her first foray behind the camera stands as a career and
personal pinnacle.
“It makes me prouder than I ever thought I could be, honestly,” Foxxx
said. “I think I desensitized myself to a lot of things. I didn’t expect to do
great things because it’s really hard to be here. And I just made myself
really proud, at the very least. Being a part of this is something more
than I could imagine in my whole life.”
A N A F O X X X | 6 . 2 1 | A V N . C O M 5 3