Page 111 - AVN JUNE 2021
P. 111

AAAA 1/2
DIRECTOR: Ricky Greenwood
CAST: Mona Wales, Jessie Saint, Natalie Knight,
Codey Steele, Stirling Cooper
TIME: 108 Min.
A first-rate entry in the “captive stud”
porn genre. In the very first shot a
man drags another man, apparently
unconscious, from a car, and puts him
in a wheelchair as three women watch
eagerly, grinning with anticipation.
Shawn Alff’s screenplay is terse,
spare and full of opaque one-liners. It’s
superbly directed by Ricky Greenwood,
arguably his best picture so far, with fine
performances by all the actors. The movie
is creepy, dark and often darkly comic.
Stirling Cooper is the man, Mona Wales
is, apparently, his wife, Jessie Saint and
Natalie Knight their daughters. Cooper
is a doctor of some sort, his patient is
Codey Steele. In bits of dialogue we learn
he is a failed suicide whose sleeping pill
overdose left him in a coma. “Technically,
you’re dead,” he is told.
But he’s showing signs of life. When
they give him a room of his own, the girls,
Jessie and Natalie, jump his bones. He
fucks them both as they moan and giggle.
The denouement will not be divulged,
but let’s just say it’s chilling, perfectly
believable and, like the rest of the movie,
excellently staged.
E D I T O R ’ S C H O I C E | 6 . 2 1 | A V N . C O M
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