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“It was risky and to learn how this all
works was not easy at all.”
challenging part of her career has been building her website from the ground up without the
help of a large network or studio behind her.
“This was a huge step I did,” Caprice says. “It was risky and to learn how this all works was
not easy at all. We invest a lot of money and time, and we didn’t know if this will work how we
want… But even it was scary, I did go out of my comfort zone, shooting for all productions and
get money for it and that’s it. I took the money I make and invest them, and it was the best
decision in my life.”
Marcello agrees.
“We fit perfect together because we trust each other,” Bravo tells AVN. “... We talk about
everything and we never force each other to do something what the other person wants.
“It’s always our own decision and we have no problem with our work (sex with other people)
because we show each other that nobody can break our relationship.”
Their bond started in October 2012, when they met at the Venus Berlin Show in Germany.
Caprice was at the expo signing autographs, while Marcello attended as part of a male stripper
group that was performing there.
More than a decade later, Marcello calls his wife “a superwoman.”
“She have everything what a star should have,” he says. “She is clever, beautiful, give always
110 percent, talk never bad about others, and knows exactly what she want.
“She work every day hard on her body to keep in shape and oh my god, look at her how she
looks now.
“It’s amazing what she build in the last 12 years...”
Both Little Caprice and Marcello Bravo share the same passion for all things LittleCaprice-, which features 11 different series and more than 100 different models.
Marcello not only performs in the scenes, he also co-produces with Caprice, directs and edits.
He traveled the world as a professional dancer and acrobat prior to starting his porn career.
The couple’s debut scene together was for, where they performed as an exclusive
couple for more than four years.
“We basically work every day,” Caprice says. “Depend on what is going on there, but there
is no day off, even on vacation. I don’t mean only photoshoots, I mean the all work around,
such as marketing, webmasters, updates, talking to the members… There is always a lot to
do, which is great!”
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