Page 69 - AVN December 2020
P. 69

“All I ever wanted was to be happy.”
The night she turned 18—and just hours after quitting her job at Taco Bell—Kenzie
Reeves was asked a question that altered the course of her life.
Can you squirt?
eees was in the midst of her first shift with VIP trippers, a highlyregarded company
in the ortheast that proides entertainers for arious eents. he initial plan was for
eees to shadow and learn from her new colleagues that eening as they performed
at a bachelor party. ut when eees reealed to a coworer that she could indeed
eaculate upon orgasm, she was handed a itachi, led into a room occupied by the future
groom and about 20 of his buddies—and told to get to work.
“ithin 20 seconds,” eees said, “the bachelor was drenched. is shoes were literally
soaed with suirt. All of his friends started going wild and showering me with money. I
had neer felt so wanted and so beautiful.”
Reeves laughed.
“At that moment I thought, ow, I thin I’e found my place in life.’”
er intuition was spot on. ie years after entering the adult industry that night as a
stripper, the foot11 eees is now ourishing as the petite princess of porn. eees
has been featured in more than 00 scenes since her onscreen debut in 201, maing
her one of the most coeted starlets in the fieldnot ust by fans who loe watching her,
but by performers who enoy woring with her.
In a business often hampered by cattiness and ealousy, eees is regarded as one of
the most upbeat, friendly people in porn. er attitude and spirit are a breath of fresh air.
hen eees arries on set, the room immediately fills with energy and positie ibes.
eees maintains a lowey presence on social media and stays away from drama on
witter. Instead, many of her posts oer compliments and support to other performers.
eees’ demeanor is een more impressie considering she’s less than a decade
remoed from being bullied so badly as a teenager that she ate lunch in the high school
nurse’s oce simply to aoid confrontation. ateful aceboo messages often brought
Reeves to tears.
“All I eer wanted was to be happy,” eees, 2, said. “I didn’t want to eer be sad, so I
learned to get oer things uicly. I don’t dwell on things or saturate my aura in negatiity.
I don’t want to be lie that. I don’t understand why anyone would want to be lie that.
“I’m always lie, , we’re here. et’s mae the best of it. et’s hae the best day
A 2019 nominee for emale Performer of the ear, eees is also admired for her
ersatility as a performer. o matter the categoryboygirl, anal, double penetration,
suirting, blowbangs or groupseees almost always deliers at an elite leel. he
has no plans to stop anytime soon.
“I want to do this as long as possible,” eees said. “I hae one life to lie and I’m going
to do what maes me happy.”
K E N Z I E R E E V E S | 1 2 . 2 0 | A V N . C O M 7 1

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