Page 84 - AVN October 2019
P. 84

“There was little cabin
with this deck suspended
over the canyon. It was
beautiful and the fog was
drifting in. ”
“We tried to shoot it differently
because it’s a found footage movie so
every shot needs to be justified by a
camera or something that is catching
it,” Greenwood says. There to make
the magic happen are two of the best
shooters in adult cinema: James
Avalon and Matt Holder. “Every time
we’re filming something,” Greenwood
says, “they have to ask, ’Where is the
camera? Who’s filming that?’ We had
to think about every shot and make
sure everything makes sense.”
Avalon shows off some stunning
stills of Aiden and Abigail (pictured
on the next page) in a nearby cabin
where they did their sex scene. Abigail
describes the scene: “There was little
cabin with this deck suspended over
the canyon. It was beautiful and the
fog was drifting in. … I put my arm
around [Aiden] and said, ‘Let’s just
enjoy this for a second.’”
Aiden was thrilled for a different
reason. “I have a thing for heights,
so that was pretty exciting. … It really
turns me on. So [Abigail] threw me
up on the railing. It could have been a
life-or-death situation with one wrong
twitch,” she exclaims.
Now that they’ve gotten a fair
amount of footage shot, it’s time for
lunch. While they eat homemade

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