Page 79 - AVN June 2019
P. 79

“I have never seen a genre
take off so fast!”
realize you’re not entirely straight—
or a ‘Kinsey 1.’ If you watch enough
porn, you realize there’s someone
else in that frame.”
High on Bi
Director Jim Powers, who has
directed it all—MILF porn, big butt
porn, trans porn, biracial porn, and
poly porn—says that “bi porn is
blowing up.” He says, “In the last
year, particularly in the last three
months, I have never seen a genre
take off so fast! From now on,” he
says, “You’re going to be seeing all
the studios doing bi content.”
Powers says gay performers who
do bi porn face a stigma, because
gay fans of male performers like
to think of them as gay, and not
subscribing to the heteronormative
paradigm. “It’s always a battle in
the beginning of a trend because
you’re changing a lot of people’s
idea of what they can do sexually.
It’s a bit of a battlefield for gay guys
and bi guys. Now they just don’t
call themselves gay or straight.”
Powers is now directing for
the line Biphoria, which includes
such titles as Bi-Peg. Bi Popular
Demand and Group Bi-In (pictured
on previous page.)
According to Jim McAnally of, whose company has
charted the sales of bi porn, “The
majority of the sales are from
consumers who went through the
straight door when they signed up.
Bisexual content with consumers
who lean straight has been somewhat
more popular than it was in the
previous nine years. Which is the
opposite observation than can be
made for consumers who lean gay.
[Gay] consumer interest in bisexual
content has been pretty constant.
There are some spikes, but if you
remove the highs and lows the trend
has been pretty consistent.”
Another evidence of a trend is
Mindgeek’s new,
where leading gay porn star Wesley
Woods will debut his first guy/guy/
girl scene. Some of the bi vids
include “Don’t Lie to Me Bi With Me,”
“Guided Men-itation” and “Couples
Therapy.” In the latter scene,
both a girl and guy perform some
“therapy” on a guy’s butt. Why not
do it together?
Hello, Bi
Straight men have always enjoyed
watching two women go at it, and
has been a staple of “straight porn”
for decades. And the two guys/one
girl scenario? That’s a straight-girl
fantasy right there. But bi porn takes
it one step further by showing guys
gettin’ busy with each other as well.
Michelle Shnaidman, founder of
female-friendly site, says
data gathered on her site shows
interest in more guy/guy content.
“That was a fun thing to learn, and
something that we’re going to be
giving, because that’s what people
on our website are asking for.”
Bree Mills of
is “seeing other big companies
starting to dabble” in bi sex content.
“It’s kind of a curiosity point for both
men and women who want to see
men together, but not necessarily
men together on their own.” She
hopes the trend will break down
stigmas around sexual orientation.
And that’s something Generation Bi
can get behind.
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