Page 70 - AVN February 2019
P. 70
narrows when she pulls the dress
down to expose her breasts. “It’s
a hot day—why put ’em away?”
she smiles to the BTS camera.
Maya Kendrick walks in wearing a
gray dress, a paisley scarf around
her neck. “You look like a flight
attendant,” Williams says.
Wylder sets up the “couples” for a
group shot. Kendrick is paired with
Smooth, Grace with Mr. Pete, Isiah
Maxwell with Whitney Wright, and
Williams with Michael Vegas. After
they get the fully clothed shots,
Wylder says, “Lets do it naked.”
“Including the guys?” someone
jokes, and Wylder ripostes, “Just
the guys.” Instead, of course, the
woman are mostly nude for the next
picture set, and the guys leave their
“I’m trying to make this
look like a real party.
Have sex with one
person, but interact
with the others, too. ”
pants on. Wylder tells them, “Eyes
to the camera. Eyes and teeth.”
Wylder lays down the ground
rules for the scene: “I don’t want
everybody switching off with
everyone else. It’s confusing. I’m
shooting hard and soft at the same
time. If you have a real desire to
have sex with your couple partner,
do one position and move on.
You will have sex with one other
partner. I’m trying to make this look
like a real party. Have sex with one
person, but interact with the others,
too. Touching, kissing, caressing. I
want everybody to look like they’re
having fun.”
As the scene begins, Vegas
unzips Williams’ dress, exposing
the tattoo and also her breasts. The
players move closer to Williams,
gathering around her. Wright is
wiggling her butt into Maxwell.
Hands reach out to the tattoo. “No
spitting, no slapping, very vanilla,”
Wylder says before they start. “Try
and communicate.” Williams takes
center position, rearranging her
dress so her nipple is covered. “I
want everybody’s hands on her,”
Wylder says as the cameras take
their positions. “Action!”