Page 58 - AVN February 2019
P. 58
With two of AVN’s 2019 Female
Performer of the Year nominees—
Abigail Mac and Whitney Wright—
stepping into the respective roles
portrayed in the original by Gellar
and Blair, AVN Hall of Fame director
Craven Moorehead took on the
task of meticulously recreating that
iconic scene, and we had the good
fortune of being there to witness it.
Every detail, from the girls’ outfits
to their various picnic trappings
to the shade of their lipstick, is
matched with uncanny precision.
And one in particular becomes
the MUST CAPTURE grace note
“The light’s gonna
change on us fast now. ”
to the entire scene: the delicate
spider web of spittle that stretches
between the two girls’ bottom lips
as they pull away from their second,
deep kiss … or the “stringer,” as
Moorehead christens it.
Accomplishing this isn’t as
easy as it sounds, and the light is
rapidly beginning to fade over the
5 8 A V N . C O M | 2 . 1 9 | O N T H E S E T
grassy shoot location, imbuing the
proceedings with an acute sense
of urgency. Having shot several
takes, Mac and Wright have pulled
off some very nice kisses … but
failed to yet produce a stringer.
“The stringer’s amazing, I don’t
think we want to superimpose it
later,” Moorehead frets.
They go for a fourth try, and still
their saliva won’t cooperate.
“The light’s gonna change on
us fast now,” stresses director of
photography Matt Holder—the
veteran lensman responsible for
the pristinely cinematic look of