Page 33 - AVN December 2018
P. 33

“I’m so happy we didn’t
give up.”
Little Caprice admits it was “a big risk” to start her own site with no
Now two years later, with about 4,000 paying members enjoying a steady
diet of original content on the Czech star’s official site, it’s safe to say is a big success. She and her performer husband,
Marcello Bravo, at first did everything on their own, building the site with old-
fashioned hard work.
“We started from zero, I mean totally,” she says. “We had a dream and we
just decided to realize it without knowing what we were doing.”
They continue to shoot in the same style, crafting the site around her
personality and “a lot of interaction between me and my members.”
“I’m so happy we didn’t give up,” she adds. “We grew our baby together,
and it gets better and better.”
L I T T L E C A P R I C E | 1 2 . 1 8 | A V N . C O M 3 3

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