Page 60 - AVN September 2017
P. 60

in August, tells AVN the tattoo on her left shoulder
blade of a beautiful woman who has half her face
hollowed out features a quote from the classic horror
film The Shining: “Monsters are real. They live inside
us and sometimes they win.”
“It’s not me,” Miley says. “Throughout your life
you meet so many people who on the outside they
seem like everything’s together and they’re a beautiful
person and inside they’re like not like anything like
that. Everybody deals with that. They have a darkness
inside of them—demons, monsters, things beneath
the surface. I got it two years ago.”
Miley continues, “They’re all very meaningful—
every tattoo I have. I got my first tattoo at 15 and
everything on me, even if it looks like shit, represents
a time in my life or something whether it was good
or bad that was important to me. Or somebody,
something—just a chapter of life.”
FEATURE | By Dan Miller
Clockwise from top left, Amia Miley, photo by Dan Miller; Honey Gold, photo by
Jeff Koga/@KogaFoto; Marley Brinx, photo courtesy Jules Jordan Video.
60 | | 9.17
On her right arm, Miley has “Proverbs 27:19” and “31:10-31.”
“It’s Christian Bible verse and I’m not Christian,” Miley says. “Every religion I think you can find things to
believe in and a way of living life.
“The first one is you can see a man’s face through a reflection of water but you can see the man through a
reflection of his heart. And this one is actually 30 pages about the proverbial woman. … A proverbial woman
is someone who treats people in their life a certain way, cares for her family, her friends, the best interests of
others and whether you’re doing porn or something else, that doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t mean
you don’t have a good heart.
“So I got this when I was 15. That was kind of like how I wanted to live my life and treat people in it.”
Arizona native Luna Lovely tells AVN her red “Fuck Everything” tattoo on her ribs is the name of a song
written by the metal band Suicide Silence.
“There are a lot of different meanings, like life gets really stressful and if you worry about all the different
pieces of it all the time it’s nice to say ‘Fuck Everything’ once in a while and focus on what you need to,” says
the 22-year-old Lovely, who got the tattoo when she was 19. “My aunt actually paid for it. I wanted it to be like
it was carved into me almost. And it’s all bloody and gory—the more brutal it is the better.”
“With the lyrics it’s perfect and the way he sings it. It’s always really heavy vocals when he’s singing it.”
Lovely’s right leg is covered in lace and flowers because “I wanted something feminine to balance all my
demonic tattoos,” she says.
“On my left leg it’s just a fun story. I had a roommate who was starting a tattoo shop and he did this really
cool drawing. When I saw it I hadn’t really had a tattoo yet but wanted my body covered. He never got into a
shop, but he was practicing on his own and was really good at drawing. I call it an Octophant, an elephant head
with tentacles coming out.
“He has a cut eye and looks like he has war scars. It means to me just to stand up and be a warrior if you can
and you need to—that it’s possible.”
Lovely, who started her porn career last October, points to another tattoo inside her right arm of a nun with a
“I like her a lot. She represents my feelings toward religion to some measure,” Lovely says. “Nuns aren’t
allowed to do a lot but have to devote so much to god. This one is at so much mercy—tied, bound, very
submissive. I like that aspect of it as well.”
Lovely continues, “On my right upper arm I have a girl looking into a vanity mirror, but she turned into a
zombie in the mirror but she’s fine in real life. That one I came up with on my own.
“It’s about my fear of death more so. Every day we’re approaching death; we’re still decaying but we can keep
it together. It’s pretty brutal, but you still stay together in the end for the most part.”
Joanna Angel, who is widely credited with helping to popularize the tattooed look in porn, says her first
tattoo when she was 18 was the “So It Goes” on her left shoulder.
“That was because one of my favorite books was Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut and he says that phrase
a lot,” Angel says. “It’s kind of a phrase he says to deal with his pain. He’s just like, whatever. You sort of mock
and brush off things that probably shouldn’t be taken seriously.
“I liked that philosophy on life and still do to this day.”
Angel says the most meaningful tattoo she has aside from that is a DJ headset around a calla lily flower on
her left thigh.
“It’s the flower that they use at funerals on coffins,” Angel continues. “Then I have ‘Live Trash Die Young’
because a close friend committed suicide and that was a phrase he used to promote the weekly party he did.
“His name was DJ Jess and I got that three or four years ago.”
Angel, who created BurningAngel in 2002, got the “XXX” on her right shoulder underneath a girl skull—done
by renowned artist Chris Garver—in part to announce her arrival in the biz.
“I wanted a bad-ass porn tattoo just to show the world what I’m doing,” she recalls.
But Angel’s No. 1 tattoo of them all is a Statue of Liberty on her left arm that she added after breaking up
with an ex.
“Because I felt a lot of freedom,” Angel says. “That is my favorite tattoo to this day. I just really like the style
of it, not because of the meaning. Tattoo artists always point that one out, the way it’s done. I really like the
colors. It’s my favorite tattoo.”

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