Page 46 - AVN February 2017
P. 46

do together and it’s a dream to be able to film it and put it on DVD!
Johnny Sins (pictured at far right, with Kissa Sins): It’s awesome
to be able to integrate my very sexual “job” with my at-home life.
We don’t shoot made-up scenarios on our website, we just share our
real sex life with everyone—it’s really cool. I also love how Kissa has
all these really close relationships with a lot of porn girls cause they
always wanna come home with me after work to fuck both of us!
Joanna Angel: You get to have your cake and eat it too. … Lots of
it. Good thing I like cake.
Francesca Lé: The best part for us is it keeps everything out in
the open. When Mark works for one of our productions, I know who
he is having sex with and when he works for other directors I know
who he is working with, too. We have no secrets.
Mark Wood: The best part is she knows exactly the kind of issues
I am dealing with on a daily basis so I can always talk to her and get
her opinion on anything business related. I don’t have to walk on
eggshells like if she was a civilian.
FEATURE | By Dan Miller
What would be your best piece of advice for other couples?
Brad Armstrong: Revert back to [the second question]. It’s
crucial to ‘Let Work Be Work!’ Sure there are going to be jealous
‘moments’ but let them be just that: moments. ... Don’t let them build
up and tear you apart. Also try and be a TEAM. The business can
sometimes be a harsh place to navigate. ... Two heads are better AND
stronger than one. And there will inevitably be times when one of you
are working more than the other. ... Don’t let EGO chip away at your
Mick Blue: Most important is that you respect and love
each other. Do and make decisions always as a team. Tread your
relationship as something special. Last but not least, have no secrets
to each other, be honest and have as much sexy time as possible.
Kayden Kross: Just because porn stars are more resilient
to jealousy doesn’t mean you’re off the hook when it comes to
demonstrating with small gestures why they shouldn’t be jealous.
Manuel Ferrara: Always work to keep open communication with
your partner.
Lexington Steele: Understand that your professions will
become an issue at some point. It is then that you must be prepared
to love your partner for who they are despite what we do as a job or
Savana Styles: In my opinion, the best advice for other couples
would be to: Live And Let Live...I mean to NOT try to control your
partner’s life. To respect his/her choices and not try to change him/
her. This behavior is very common when we are in couple and it’s also
very destructive. We fall in love with someone, then after few months
of living together, we want to change that person. It cannot work like
this. Love is compromise and respect.
Toni Ribas (pictured above, left, with Asa Akira): To be honest
and respect your boundaries, and have as much fun as possible!
Kissa Sins: I think relationships are really built on trust. I really
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hate seeing couples argue over jealousy or general distrust when a lot of the time they’re just
being paranoid. I think if you love someone make sure you trust them and then really DECIDE
to trust them and love them for who they are and don’t be overbearing or controlling. Respect
each other! You’re best friends more than anything else!
Johnny Sins: Make sure you find a girl like Kissa who will eat lots of hot girls’ asses with you!
Joanna Angel: Commit yourself to honest, open, communication with love at the center,
be selfless, and have the ultimate desire for your partner’s happiness no matter what label,
dynamic, or lifestyle you lead.
Francesca Lé: Be each other’s best friend first.
Mark Wood: Don’t get married. But if you are having second thoughts, I always remember
“it’s cheaper to keep her.”

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