Page 38 - AVN February 2017
P. 38

SEQUEL RITES | By Brady Jansen
Falcon continues 45th anniversary celebration by resurrecting a classic
Growing up, Tony Dimarco was always a big fan of Falcon movies.
He remembers seeing Spokes early on and how it left an indelible
impression, specifically the hot male cyclist orgy in a barn. Little
did he know at the time, but he would have a hand in continuing
the legacy of the iconic series that started in 1983.
would have to be the orgy in the first Spokes and the orgy in Spokes
III with Mason Wyler. Both were kind of dirty, raw and cathartic.
Back in the day, watching guys like Dick Fisk and Lee Ryder was
a dream come true to a young gay man growing up in New Jersey.
It’s an honor to have a chance to be a part of the Spokes legacy.”
earlier this year—following two other sequels: Spokes II: The
Graduation (1988) and Spokes III (2006), each installment featuring
a cream-of-the-crop cast representative of its era.
an idea will click and do great or when it will fail. It’s a gamble,
“For me, it gave me permission to fantasize. My favorite scene
He helmed the fourth entry in the series—Urban Spokes, released
“When coming up with ideas for movies, you never know when
and sometimes an idea will strike a chord with people. I think
that’s what the original Spokes did,” Dimarco says. “It spawned
so many sequels and was successful partly because of the simple
concept: perpetually horny, well-built guys with big cocks who ride
and love to fuck. I think it endured at Falcon for all these years
for those reasons. Plus, the tight-fitting biking outfits left little to
the imagination. Actually, maybe that’s it … the tight biker shorts.
That could be the reason why everyone loves it.”
Dimarco notes that Falcon Studios Group President Tim Valenti
wanted to do something special to commemorate the studio’s 45th
anniversary. Instead of doing a one-time “anniversary party” to
celebrate the milestone, he wanted to do something bigger and
“And what better way to celebrate an enduring legacy than to pay
homage to it,” Dimarco says. “He thought, ‘Let’s re-imagine the
classics, make them new again and open them to a new audience.
Chris Ward resurrected The Other Side of Aspen with part VI in 2014,
but Spokes is the first to celebrate the 45th anniversary. There’s
another film in the works with an original Falcon director slated to
direct, but we can’t reveal the details just yet.”
Hot House is also getting in on the fun, resurrecting its Skuff
series (more on that next month). As for Urban Spokes, Dimarco
had the idea to do a cyclist-themed movie for some time, and the
anniversary presented the perfect opportunity. Because the times
and technology have changed a lot since the original film, it gave
him lots of room to explore.
“Besides, the fascination with cyclists is something that hasn’t
gone out of style. Cyclists have adapted and changed slightly with
each new generation. I think that’s why the legacy of Spokes can
continue,” Dimarco adds. “When you look at what turns us on,
it’s oftentimes what we observe around us in our daily lives. Who
hasn’t passed a hot bike rider on the side of the road peddling and
didn’t have a few dirty thoughts? The guy struggling hard to get up
work with new performers like Griffin Barrows,
that hill, breathing heavy, his muscles pushing against those tight-
Connor Patricks and Rod Peterson along with
fitting biker shorts … you think, ‘What would it be like to have sex
standout exclusives J.J. Knight and Ryan Rose.
with him?’ I think many have had those fantasies, and the Spokes
Add to the mix A-list porn veterans Trenton
films allows us to explore those.”
Ducati and exclusive Brent Corrigan, and it
For the latest installment, the director wanted to take it off the
made for a memorable shoot.
county side roads and barns and bring it into an urban setting.
“And to top it off we got to shoot with a
“There’s an element of excitement and danger to riding in a
drone … so cool!” Dimarco says. “There were a
city populated with cars and tourists—and also beautiful views.
lot of great memories on set, but I have to say
... To put it on the streets and hills was a nice change of pace, and
for me shooting the orgy in the warehouse was
of course it was fitting to film in San Francisco, the birthplace of
a highlight.”
Falcon Studios. We wanted to honor that, too. It was so special that
Yet another homage to the original that’s
we could film it here.”
certain to have fans along for the ride.
Dimarco says that he has always wanted to do a film based on
urban bike messengers, so it made perfect sense. The city setting
afforded him the ability to feature a wide array of cyclists and 38 | | 2.17
make it more modern—daily commuters, bike
messengers and speed cyclists all meshing
together. He watched only a little bit of the older
films to see what he could pull from them.
“I didn’t want it to influence me too much,
since I wanted to create a new vision of the
original concept. We worked with Jack Shamama
to write the script. We paid homage to the
original—the speech that Trenton Ducati gives at
the induction ceremony is the exact speech that
Lee Ryder gives in the first Spokes. It was kind of
cool that we were able to include that.”
Dimarco notes it was fun working with
“porn legend” mr. Pam on the production, who
lightened things up and served as a nice yin to
his more serious yang. He was also excited to
Top, Trenton Ducati, Griffin Barrows, Ryan Rose, Rod Peterson and
Connor Patricks. Bottom, J.J. Knight and Connor Patricks.
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