Page 56 - AVN October 2016
P. 56
(Continued from page 54)
As a team, these men are truly a two-man show. “We’re a great match,” Ducati
said. “And the reason we’re a good company, I feel, is most of the production is
done in house and we’ve learned how to do most aspects of it, from photography,
videography, editing, photo editing, casting, directing, newsletters, the whole
thing. We do have a great graphics guy that I have to mention. His name is Mike.
He’s amazing and he’s really helped us. Before Mike I was literally YouTubing how
to blend pictures together for our site. So we’d stay up all night doing that. But
Dude Dollars
Channel 1 Releasing
Buff star Colby Jansen
Rob Reimer returns
joins as program’s first
as chief marketing
our success comes from being in house, I believe.”
He added, “We have some people who are helping us. is a partner of
ours, basically. You’ll notice their banner on the bottom [of the home page]. ...
They’re helping us with the email newsletter—they have a large mailer that goes
out. So they’ve been really good to us.”
In turn, Ducati Studios is looking to be good to the people who work for them.
Duran said, “We feel that if you come to shoot with us, work with us, you’re
part of the family, you’re part of the team. We try to respect everyone and treat
everyone with respect.”
Dude Dollars’ new managing director,
Channel 1 Releasing, a leader in the gay
Ewan French, has announced the
adult industry that distributes pleasure
signing of Colby Jansen as the
toys and adult videos and operates a
first model exclusive to Online
retail store in Los Angeles, has brought
who fit our ideas—they’re bearded, or
Entertainment. His membership site,
back former C1R Marketing Manager, will feature the
Rob Reimer to fill the role of chief
award-winning all-American furry jock
marketing officer.
”We’re really trying to find quality guys
they’re a little older. And we also have
along with his sexy buddies and a host
Reimer will oversee the product
Angelo Marconi. ... He did his first
of hot newcomers.
development and sales of new and
bareback scenes for us.
As a former professional rugby
existing novelty brands such as Rascal
player, Jansen is playing up his passion
and Boneyard. In addition, he will
—Trenton Ducati
for all things sports-related with
also oversee the company’s marketing The site will also take
activities, distribution channel
Also a high priority for both men is listening to fans, which was vital in their
on a decidedly intergenerational flavor,
management, and branding efforts.
first venture. “GentlemensCloset is built by our members because we listen
almost always featuring a mix of mature
“Rob began working for Channel 1
to them,” Ducati said. In particular, the outfits, the look and the feel has been
men over 30 paired with younger
back in 2002 when we were a brand-
driven by fans. “Literally, we have had one of our strongest supporters fly here to
performers, ages 18 to 30.
new company” said Rob Novinger,
the studio. ... He came from Florida, was on set, brought the outfits—in fact, he
“This Dude Dollars team is so great!
CEO and co-founder. “Since then, he
wanted a model to be in it and he flew that model in from Europe.”
I am so honored to be working with
spread his wings and made a name
Duran said they already have gleaned some insight about what NastyDaddy fans
them to launch Colby’s Crew,” said
for himself at a number of successful
will want. “Customers on Twitter really let us know what they want. ‘We want
Jansen. “We are bringing together a
0.0.50 corporations. We look forward to
guys in suits, we want guys with sheer socks.’ Some of the fans on NastyDaddy
stellar cast of seasoned performers and
welcoming Rob back to begin this next
don’t want the story. They just want the setup, the look of the video, to be the
hot newcomers that will give the site a
chapter of his career at a heightened
story, whether it was shot in a garage or with workmen, blue-collar guys, truckers.
unique flavor and market position. And
role as chief marketing officer. He will
They’d rather have the look be the story instead of a bunch of b-roll. I’m not
now, to sign as a Dude Dollars exclusive
be a tremendous asset to our company,
knocking b-roll—I love it—but ...”
is for me the cherry on the cake! I am so
and we are proud to add him to our
Asked about how he likes working on the other side of the camera, Ducati said,
thrilled to contribute to Dude Dollars
executive team.”
“I am so thankful that the transition from performer to business owner is going
success with this new venture.”
Reimer started his career working
so well. We have been working really, really hard to make this happen and it was
“Colby Jansen is a stellar performer, a
for Channel 1 Releasing as a marketing
always my goal to make the transition and stay within the industry, and it’s been
shrewd businessman and an all-around
manager. He went on to work for
really good to me. I like the creative side ... I’m really into it; I’m kinda tech-y.”
great guy!” said French, who was in the
Manhunt and Perfect Fit Brand.
Duran underlines that statement with an anecdote: “When Trenton approached
Boston area with the Dude Dollars team
In his new role as CMO, Reimer will
me about working together ... I was kind of wary about pairing with an adult
to prepare for the site’s launch and to
work with Channel 1 Releasing on
performer because they don’t really like to do the work—they like to be in front of
shoot new content. “We are so pleased
its novelty business models, product
the camera. I worked with a couple of other ones ... they would just sit there and
with the direction that all the prep work
development and growth, seeking
tweet and do nothing and take selfies while I was doing all the work. On our first
has taken in developing Colby’s Crew
to increase overall profitability. He
day on a shoot, I literally just left the room and Trenton had set up the lights ...
as a unique and strong brand that will
will also be serving as the brand
And I was, like, ‘Thank god. This guy is hungry.’ He even had questions—‘Why is
stand as Dude Dollars’ flagship site in
ambassador, traveling extensively to
this exposure dark, and how do I fix that?’ He was so in there. And then I left the
the coming years.”
conduct product training and attend
room again to get some water, go to the bathroom after the shoot was over, and all
Dude Dollars is the affiliate program
trade shows.
the equipment was down and wrapped up. So I knew it was a good match.”
of Online Entertainment LLC, the
“It’s extremely exciting to be back
Ducati laughed, “I’m pretty over the top with business and creating stuff, and
new gay adult entertainment company
at the place where it all began. I look
Anthony is a little more mellow. The combination has been really good, I think,
created by Manhunt co-founder and
forward to bringing my broader range
because I have about nine million ideas a day and it’s good to have a balancing
owner Jonathan Crutchley. For more
of experience back to Channel 1
information, contact Ewan French at
Releasing,” Reimer said. “I’m looking
“And I do yoga while he’s doing his nine million,” Duran joked.
forward to get going and make an
Find the new site from Ducati Studios at And follow Ducati
immediate impact for the company.”
and both studios on Twitter: @NastyDad, @GentlemensClost and
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