Page 97 - AVN November 2016
P. 97
editor’s choice
A Lesbian Crime Story
AWAL (Association of Women Against
Lesbians) running the media circuit, Lara
Bradford, played by Riley Reid, finds herself
aching for the big break of her journalism
career with an issue that is near and dear to
her own lesbian heart, especially after the
organization was to blame for her descent
in the first place. Tired of headlines full of
cats, she opts to follow a different pussy
Girlsway Productions/Girlfriends Films
story when the increasing number of missing
ladies piques her interest. Of course, this
is only after her beautiful girlfriend, Karla
Directors: Bree Mills, Stills by Alan
Kush, manages to distract her from the
Cast: Riley Reid, Kendra James,
horrors of the oppressive outside world by
Cassidy Klein, Karlie Montana,
making her cum a few times in their living
Sara Luvv, Karla Kush, Allie Haze,
August Ames, Kenna James, Reena
Kendra James returns, playing Anita Sharp,
Sky. 151 Min.
the epitome of a villain. As she interrupts
Category: All-Girl, Drama
Reid and Kush, she happens to give Reid the
chance to rise back up in her industry, at the
feature from Girlsway,
The latest fem-fucking
cost of exposing MANTIS. Reid is desperate
featuring familiar faces
to change her own story and accepts James’
and the continuing story of
offer, but has no idea what it’s going to cost
the nation in a state of desperation
since the Normalcy Act to rid itself
As Reid dives into the files, she uncovers
of the evil lesbian plague, Missing:
names and patterns that lead her to Cindy’s
A Lesbian Crime Story has everything
home. She needs to get to the bottom of the
that Girlsway fans have come to
mystery in order to help herself and find
know and love. Part horror, part
out why these women are going missing.
thriller, all killer lesbian sex and
She stumbles upon some of Cindy’s teenage
clever satire—buckle up, it’s gonna
hiding spots, transitioning into a beautiful
be a munchy ride.
outdoor flashback of Cindy and her tutor
Cindy, played by Sara Luvv,
learning each other’s bodies, as Reid
escapes to the deserted Lesbo Lane
pleasures herself to the journal-smut as
with her tutor, Karlie Montana.
well. Once the orgasms clear, Reid begins
In an attempt to be alone and
to realize the women being abducted all
satiate each other’s illegal desires,
have one very serious thing in common
Montana ends up the latest victim
and is curious to find out why a pro-
of abduction as Luvv helplessly
lesbian organization like MANTIS would
watches from inside the car. With
be kidnapping their own affiliates. When
news hits that Cassidy Klein, a secret MANTIS agent, has also gone missing, Reid’s
suspicions peak and she has to dive deeper ... into the story and into Klein’s sister,
which involves sucking the poison out. She ends up at the mercy of Dr. Haze (as
in Allie), a conversion therapist who specializes in mind-fucking. Haze is an expert
in other fucking as well, as demonstrated in a hallucinogenic three-way between
herself, Reid and Kush.
Reid is becoming part of her own story, not knowing what is true and who to
trust. In desperation, she reaches out to Sharp, the last person she thought she
could turn to. In a political twist of power, she stumbles upon a den of the missing
women and the answers to all of the questions she has been asking—but the
answers are not at all what she expected, and the means of extracting them are just
as deep and dirty as the web she has woven herself into.
This feature does an impeccable job of seamlessly moving story through sex,
keeping all of the tribadism heavy with heat and applicable dialogue. Every
encounter is punctuated with energy and desire, and the roles, as well as the holes,
are perfectly filled. The men in bit parts are always kept at a face-safe distance, so
the focus is only on the female cast members. With romantic romps, three-ways,
group sex and fem-dom scenarios, the amount of variety is wonderful, and the sex
acts aren’t the only noteworthy elements. Every woman brings her A-game, and this
two-disc set once again raises the Girlsway bar.
— K. Scott
A Kiss Is Just a Kiss From left, Sara Luvv and Karlie Montana; Allie Haze, Karla Kush and Riley Reid; and
August Ames and Kendra James.
D: Stormy Daniels. Cast: Asa Akira, Britney Amber, Rachel Starr, Ziggy Star,
Brad Armstrong, Others. 101 Min.
AAA 1/2
Another Stormy Daniels-directed feature, with familiar
faces and a heartbreakingly relatable storyline—with a
twist. Asa Akira plays Kim, recently heartbroken from
learning of her husband’s year-long affair. It’s not long
before Kim finds a hot young man to fuck her mind off of
her fractured marriage ... but things get dangerous.
— K. Scott
D: Lexington Steele. Cast: Luna Star, Alexa Tomas, Lexi Lowe, Reena Sky,
Lexington Steele. 141 Min.
It’s becoming more and more common for an all-sex
anthology to feature one notable male performer, and
this isn’t the first one dedicated to Lexington Steele. All
of the gorgeous ladies in this flick are never-before-Lex’d,
with special note that cover girl Luna Star is performing
her first IR.
— K. Scott
(longer reviews on
11.16 | | 97